Thursday 5 January 2012

#Janathon day 5 better late than never

Today has been a challenge. I planned to swum at 9 followed by a turbo session but my son had bike issues. His had broken disc brakes so was using my old cronk. That had three punctures and he was now late for work. I tried to help but stuffed his brakes further. Whilst he was sorting punctures. I had to give in and call the local bike shop Moonglu and book it in. Thank goodness they could fit it in and I finally headed for my swim at 11 taking his bike to the shop on the way. When I returned from my 50 lengths it was lunch time so I never turboed till 3. Plan said 45 mins at heart rate zone 1 but I only did 35 mins. My heart wasnt in it today. Then tonight was running club training so I never got to see Mum today. It took 7 hours yesterday for 1.5 hr visit using the bus. My sisters went though. Unfortunately all is not well with mum she is back in intesive care and needs another op. Tonights training session was followed by a dance session. That was not as bad as anticipated. So Im just home now. Its been a long and difficult day today but Janathon was completed with a swim bike and run. All logged and now blogged. Night all x

1 comment:

  1. Sorry it's not better news about your mother. I hope she improves soon.
