Sunday 1 January 2012

Janathon day 1

I am in London for the New Year celebrations. Its a bit odd because I aught not have come really. On Tuesday, shortly after my 99th race since I started running, I got a phone call telling me my Mum was on her way to hospital after collapsing with a suspected stroke. After hours of surgery she was critical but stable. It was decided that since there was little I could do it would be best to carry on with our plans and my sisters would keep me updated. So here I am in London. A nice place to start Janathon 2012. Last night we went to the crack comedy club and so we we behind the London eye for the fireworks. We had a lovely evening when the police herded us away from Tower Bridge where we are staying. They refused to let us through even when we said we were walking (Its only 2.5 miles). We were herded to Waterloo station where we managed to get down a side street and work our way back to the hotel. Goodness knows how far we walked. This morning I slept late and didnt get up until 7:45. I had wanted a long run but now did not have time so I ran to Tower Bridge then to Westminster Bridge and back again. So 5.6 miles in a surprisingly quick for me 53 mins. We have spent the day walking again. We went to Trafalgar Square and back. Mum is improving slowly will go see her on the way home tomorrow


  1. Firstly Happy New Year Lena. I hope your Mum is doing OK, so sorry to hear of her been ill. I'm glad you decided to go to London, I think you made a right decision!
    Big New Year Hugs!!

  2. Happy New Year from me too and I'm with Moe, you did just the right thing. Hope your Mum is on the road to recovery. Take care, more big hugs! Sue

  3. so sorry to here about your mum, glad she is improving. Good luck with the rest of Janathon and happy new year!
