Tuesday 3 January 2012

#Janathon day 3 do all three

Day three calls for all three disciplines I'll need for Outlaw. So today I hsve cycled 25 miles, swum 1 mile and run 3.6 miles. A good day really. Also good news about Mum moving out of intensive care. Shes still quite poorly on the High Dependancy Unit. But to say that this time last week she was having an op with only a less than 50 % chance of survivalthings are looking up. I always thought I got my determination from my Dad. But maybe I got a double share because my Mum is one determined woman. Thats all I have to say today.


  1. Hi Lena. My dad went into hospital the week before xmas for an op that his surgeon was against. I got a telephone call from the hospital at 4am the day after, asking me to go in and say goodbye as they didn't expect him to last till morning. He did survive, spent xmas in the critical care unit, has made great progress, and came home yesterday.It's been an emotional xmas, but hopefully he'll continue to recover at home, and we'll have a second xmas celebration soon.
    Brilliant effort today with those stats. Best of luck to you and your family. Ian x

  2. Well done Lena!
    Glad to hear your Mum has recovered enough to be moved. I hope she continues to recover.
    I need some of that determination bottling up for me!!
    Thinking of you!!

  3. Sirry to hear about your Dad, runningman Im glad he is recovering
