Monday 28 February 2011

London Marathon minus 7 weeks and 1st race of the year

Well its getting closer, and the training is going really well.
I did my first race of the year Yesterday, The Snake Lane 10 mile. I did this race last year so I had a time to beat I hr 36, and I did, 1hr 32 min, I am still buzzing.
I didn't do so many miles last week but I did do a tough cycle ride on the Monday of 26 miles.
I did 28.17 miles of running last week and went over 300 miles for the year so far. Buzzing about that too.
I gained a pound in weight, Boo!! But lost another couple of inches, buzzing about that.
All in all everything is going great, long may it continue.
Last weeks Run 28.17 miles
Last weeks cycle 26.17 miles
last weeks swim 1.6 miles
This week promises to be a good one as long as inconvenient meetings dont get in the way of my training.


  1. another great week of training! Well done, You will soon be able to put the turbo away and get out in the light!

  2. Congrats on your Snake Lane 10 mile PB and good to hear everything is going well for you. Will you be doing the Thirsk 10 as a sharpener?

  3. Runningfox, Thanks, I'm not planning to do Thirsk as I have the Stokesley novice duathlon the day befor
