Saturday, 2 January 2016

Which bird

I have formatted my training plan for the majority of 2016, In order to achieve the goals I set for the year I have created a plan based on 3 bike sessions 2 X short and intense  X long,  2 swim sessions drills and intervals (3 after the Hardmoors 55, the third being a long/OW swim) and 4/5 runs, 3/4 sped/hill/interval sessions and 1 or 2 long runs to build up my miles ahead of the 55.
Today I did an hour on the turbo including a 20 min threshold test to measure my power on the bike. The result was approx 145 watts, I would like to build my power over the next few weeks so that I will be ready to bike to and from work on the lighter morning/nights. 
Later when I went for a run down the lane I saw a bird of prey, similar, if not the same bird as I saw whilst walking the dog. Last night I tried to get a pic to help identify it, it flew off before I could get close enough for a good pic. See if you can spot it.
This morning it was further down the lane and was gone before I could get my phone out. I think it's a sparrow hawk, as last year a similar bird flew past my head and took out a black bird, but it could be a kestral. I looked at pics on the net and they're not much help until I can get a better look at it.
The top one is a kestral the bottom a sparrow hawk, they're very similar. Here is my best pic so far
Not much help eh!
Also as I ran I was catching up a walker, he reached the gate before me, he didn't pass through, he tapped the gate post and turned to walk back up the lane. I giggled because that's what I do, and so I did, I tapped the post and ran home, carrying my phone and scanning the trees and hedgerows for the elusive raptor. When I got home I realised that I had not turned the satellite back on on my Garmin, but I run the route often and know the distance.
So today, day 2 of Janathon I walked cycled and ran

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