Friday, 1 January 2016

New Year New Plans

A few years ago when I was training to do my first marathon (Edinburgh 2010) I entered another marathon (Newcastle Town Moor 2010). I was told by many more experienced runners that I wouldn't do more than one marathon a year. I could never see the reasoning behind that and did both. At the Newcastle Town Moor Marathon I saw my first 100 marathon club tshirt.
I wondered how on earth you could get one of those shirts at one marathon a year. I wanted to be in that club, I had only done two marathons but already knew that I enjoyed distance running. I increased my distance running every year since and after five years I have reached 29 marathons that will count towards the 100 club. I now want to work towards gaining 100 marathons/ultras

My 2016 goals in regard to following this ambition are:

Complete the seven Hardmoors marathons
Complete the Hardmoors 55
Complete Outlaw faster than 14 hours 20 minutes
Do even better at Equinox24, at least 17 laps.

Fortunately the run at the end of a long distance triathlon counts so I can keep up my triathlon too, it is good cross training. I need to work hard this year on improving my cycling and getting over my fear of other people being near me in open water.

To start the year I have done a short cycle and brick run this morning on an unusually frosty morning, it was a little slippy on the lane so I took it steady.

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