Sunday, 3 January 2016

Last day of the holidays

Janathon day 3, back to work tomorrow. Today Billy and I went to Hackfall woods for a run, it was hilly and muddy. There was a Strava segment that I was second on and wanted to get. I don't normally go after Strava segments but I knew I was second so thought it was worth a go.
We set off down the road to run a long hill in the wood opposite. At the top we decided to loop round then go a slightly different route than usual, up an extra hill. The run down to Hackfall was a bit slippy, it was hard to grip on the wet grass on the wet ground, but we made it down. The woods were dank and the tracks covered in leaves hiding roots The section I was pushing myself on took me from the bottom of the wood to the top, it's a long section, I was gasping for air when I got to the top by the waterfall 
But I don't mind that section, the next section is undulating on narrow paths and steep drops to the left.
I don't like the drops especially when the path is so slippy and normally deliberately avert my gaze, but today I forced myself to look
The mist was lurking in the undergrowth from the river. The toughest bit of the whole day was getting back to the carpark up the slippy grass field

Everytime I stepped forwards I slid back half a length of my  foot but my Brooks ASRs were doing a good job, They've never let me down in years of off road running even now when I am doing trickier stuff.
The best bit was when I stopped for a pic of a waterfall Billy got me to position myself so that it looked like the water was coming out of my mouth.

And even better I grabbed that Srava segment I was after and got a 2nd to my own CR on the longer effort and 2nd on a different segment, so a new goal for next time

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