Monday, 6 July 2015

Ironman UK - 2 weeks

2 weeks and the big day will arrive, but no real training today for me. Yesterday's Minster2Minster kept me away from my granddaughter all day. Mind you, she did have me running around and around the garden with her, playing football and catch for a couple of hours when I got home. But today I wanted to spend time with her.
We walked the dog 
 and after more playing, a second breakfast and a nap, we went to Fountains Abbey.
We parked at Studley above the lake and walked. She loved the water gardens and wanted to stroke the swans.
As we approached the Abbey, she started to tire and needed a bit of a carry, but as soon as she was in the Abbey she was running and hiding and climbing. 
She even managed most of the walk back to the Cafe where we had lunch before taking her home. 

It was 5 o'clock ish when we got home and decided against going out on our bikes, Billy walked Jed and I went down the lane and back for runstreak. I headed down the lane in sunshine, my leg as were a little tired but it felt ok, I got to the fence, turned, and Oh my goodness the sky was black, a storm was brewing, I picked up the pace as lightening gently flashed, 1elephant, 2 elephant, 3 elephant etc, the storm was ages away, there was no thunder, as I got closer to home the lightning was followed but distant grumbling, it was starting to spit, then the dark skies were lit up with lightning and the thunder was only 10 seconds behind it. I got in the house just as the proper rain started and within minutes, the flashing and crashing of the storm became louder and closer.
Glad I didn't go out on the bike in that.
So a bit of a lazy day really. But fun

If you don't push your limits, how do you know where your limits are?

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