Monday, 12 January 2015

#Janathon day 12, It's just another manic Monday

Thanks to The Bangles for today's title, I'm sure I've used it before, I've certainly thought it many a Monday.
so here I am at the end of a manic day, eating my tea at nine o'clock at night whist I write this.
I started the day with a mile to keep my runstreak going and was shocked that the wind had got up and it was raining too, iI felt battered when I got in for my breakfast. I ate my banana anfd yogurt and drank my coiffee before taking Jed out, I decided to jog with him since I had my phys kit on and maybe I wouldnt be out in that yucky weather so long.
Jed had other ideas, he didnt care if the weather was rotton, he wanted to stop and sniff all the time. We got home, I dried and fed him, then made the packed lunches before a bath and walk to work.
I was at work till five pm tonight at a meeting. this meant I couldnt be in the pool at five for an hours swim with a lane in. I thought I'd probably give swimming a miss today. I walked home and took Jed for his walk I thought that maybe I would swim, I only needed half an hour for a warm up then two lots of eighteen lengths, and if i took my cycling kit i could go straight from the baths to watt biking, as I do on a Wednesday.

So I went to the pool, I was quite quiet really, I felt a bit self conscious as I dirupped the breast strokers with my front crawl. I wove between them for an 8 length warm up, waited a minute then set off on my first set of eighteen lengths of constant sighting and weaving. them done, i faffed aroung in the shallows waiting for five minutes to pass then set off again. i dont know where i lost count but I ended up doing twenty lengths instead, but at a similar pace as the first eighteen. That'l do.
Then was time to get dry and fight into my sports bra with a damp body, nightmare. Finally dressed in my bike kit I walked to Ripon Cycling Studio where after a warm up I did 3 lots of nine minutes with a recovery of two and a half minutes keeping the watts at over 184. It was tough but I managed it.
Phew it was now nearly eight pm and time to walk home, stretch, upload the data and have a bath, eat tea and blog.

Now that is why Monday was manic for me today

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