Saturday, 4 January 2014

#Janathon day 4 bike fail

Today was run day, but as I am still resting from my 2013 running mikes in 2013, I decided a gentle cycle to watch the Yorkshire Cross Country Championships at LightWater Valley. I arrived at Lightwatervalley and noticed an odd noise, I looked down and a stick was plinking as it passed my front forks. It was well and truly attached to my tyre by a thorn. When removed the plinking was replaced by a gentle sssss.
My mountain bike repair kit comprises of 2 tyre levers, 2 co2 cartridges and a pack of self adhesive patches. First time I've sorted a puncture with such high tech kit.
It was a front wheel puncture, but I didn't remove the wheel, I let out the air and took out the tube, I couldn't find the hole, How do I just put a bit of air in with these gas cartridges? I fitted a cartridge to its adapter and pushed it onto the valve, nothing, no hiss, no inflation. My first reaction was " how long will it take to walk the 3.5 miles home pushing the bike?" I loosened the canister from the adapter and SSSSS! Quick tighten it back up. Put it back on the valve, loosen the cartridge, PfFff! The tube inflated. I bent down and passed the inflated tube past my face, nothing, no escaping air. Inflate more, and there if was, a tiny breath against my lip, I stuck my finger over the escaping air. Where do you not want a puncture, on a join. And where was my cold finger stuck right now? On the join. I replaced my finger with a patch and pressed for dear life.
After a few minutes I released my grip and returned the tube to the wheel, and re attached the gas cartridge to the tube, it inflated a bit but ran out of gas. I changed cartridges and as I loosened the cartridge to release the fax I still had my fingers on the adapter and froze my already cold fingers to it. I snatched them away and put my gloves on.
Tyre inflated, cold and wet I decided to return home. I was paranoid about the repair not holding, but it did.
So that's it for today 2 dog walks and 7.7 miles on the bike.

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