Well rested they soon pulled away again, I fought to catch up and was closing the gap when I decided to slow to chat with a runner, she was wearing a Leeds half marathon t shirt. " what are you training for?" I asked, " A half marathon in two weeks" she replied. "Oh! Brass Monkey?" said I. " No, a half marathon in Marrakesh" said she. I wished her well and worked hard at closing the gap with the boys again. I caught them at Skelton, but could not keep it up and let them get away. They waited once more and then we were home, 42 miles in 3:07:40 with 1690 ft of elevation.
Biking with the boys is tough, but it's also a good way to improve, so I hope to go out with them at least once a week.
Yep, training with the boys is always a good way to up the game :) well done :)