Sunday, 12 January 2014

#Janathon day 12, playing with the boys again

A 3 hour bike ride today with Billy and Martin. Was harder to keep up with them today, managed ok for 25 miles, the hilliest section, then as the roads leveled out and the boy's cadence increased and they pulled away, Periodically they would slow ans I'd catch up, then around 30 miles, I got caught at traffic lights as they disappeared into the distance. I was trying to catch up when a car forced me into a pothole, with the jar came a pain in my left side. I think I've pulled a muscle around my rib area. This made it harder to ride hard, I just got my head down and found a nice rythem to force my way through the head wind to where the boys were waiting.
Well rested they soon pulled away again, I fought to catch up and was closing the gap when I decided to slow to chat with a runner, she was wearing a Leeds half marathon t shirt. " what are you training for?" I asked, " A half marathon in two weeks" she replied. "Oh! Brass Monkey?"  said I. " No, a half marathon in Marrakesh" said she. I wished her well and worked hard at closing the gap with the boys again. I caught them at Skelton, but could not keep it up and let them get away. They waited once more and then we were home, 42 miles in 3:07:40 with 1690 ft of elevation.
Biking with the boys is tough, but it's also a good way to improve, so I hope to go out with them at least once a week.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, training with the boys is always a good way to up the game :) well done :)
