Tuesday, 28 January 2014

#Janathon day 28, where does the time go?

10:30 pm and that's me just sitting down after a long day. I got up at 5:45 this morning, had breakfast, did some stretches and walked the dog before making my packed lunch and walking to work for 8:15 am.
A reasonably steady day at work, but not a moment wasted, then walk home at 4:00 pm, walk the fog, get ready for Junior running club. Ran to club because I had set off and forgot ton my inhaler, so came home for it, the I had to run to get there in time.
Meet and retreat with the juniors, we ran to and from the location where the juniors paired off, one running one direction, the other running the opposite, until they met, where they tagged, turned and ran back until they met again, repeat, I ran too as we had an odd number of youngsters.
Then it was adult club, so after stretching the juniors, I got ready to lead an adult group, the pace wax quick and the group was large, so we split into 2 groups. My group split periodically until only 3 of us remaind to complete 6.8 miles., then after sorting some stuff at club, I came home and got something to eat and drink whilst I sorted some stuff for work, and finally I got my bath and have just finished my list of tasks for today, just in time to go to bed,
Night all, 3 days to go stay strong

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