Sunday, 23 June 2013

Week 25 - #juneathon day 23. Weekly round up

Well that's another week done.
The last time I did not was 30 Dec 2012, because I signed up for Sid's Poppyfield challenge, (pay a few quid and exercise every day for January, pay a fine if you don't) it was decided by a few of us to pay a few more quid and carry on for the year. The least I have done is walking a couple of miles, but If I do that I walk as fast as I can.
I also signed up for Moon-joggers, I committed to run and walk 2013 miles.
I signed up for Janathon again, I figured that all these challenges ran nicely along side my own run 2013 miles in 2013 challenge, including a marathon a month and Outlaw and Vitruvian triathlons. Now I am embroiled in Juneathon.
It's easy to create or join a challenge, the fact that its public knowledge spurs me on, even when I really can't be bothered I know I have to do something, from walking the dog to running a marathon, making the miles add up.
The toughest bit is that I am also trying to raise funds for The British Lung Foundation in memory of my Dad. I have asthma and it makes things difficult at times, I understand the need for research into lung illnesses.
So I can't give in, I have to carry on, people depend on me to.
And so today, tired as I felt, achy as I felt, I got on my bike and embarked on a windy cycle ride, and it was tough but I did it. Afterwards I ran, not very well, I was hurting and it was warm, I couldn't get into a rhythm and my heart rate kept raising, I was forced to walk at times, I could have given up but I didn't. I struggled onwards, after all there were challenges to fulfill and funds to raise.
So lets get to some stats.
488 hours spent training (need to get faster so it doesn't take so long)
2597 miles traveled
41 miles Swum
444 miles walked
1029 miles cycled
903 miles run
For my challenge I am plotting my progress on a map to Moscow, this weeks total of 903 miles places me just past Berlin and heading for Poland.
Time now for taper, as my body screams stop, I can at least reduce my mileage and efforts for the 2 weeks before Outlaw Triathlon, I just need to balance that with my commitments to the other challenges.

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