Sunday, 30 June 2013

Juneathon day 30, end of week 26 of 2013

Well, that's it, Juneathon is over. Maybe it was a little over ambitious to sign up, when Outlaw triathlon is so close and I should have finished the month on taper and running everyday was not the best idea. But I did it, I ran every day of June, as well as doing some walking, cycling and swimming.
We are also half way through the year, as 26 weeks have now passed, I have exercised daily and my 2013 miles in 2013 challenge is not too far off track.
Today Billy and I took Jed to Aysgarth, to walk by the falls.
It was lovely, though the rive was quite low. We walked up to the church. The last time I was there I ran through the church yard during the Wensleydale Wedge, last November. I remember thinking then " Wow, I must come back and explore this further". I'm glad we went. As we entered the churchyard, to the right there's a gravestone which got my interest
Wow, what an age for both of them to live to, I wonder how long they were married. Billy and I have been married 25 years on Tuesday, wonder how old we will live to?
Also in the church yard we saw this grave, wonder why it has a cage?
The church yard is massive and there were sheep to keep the grass under control, don't think they like nettles though.
The church St Andrews, itself is large with beautiful architecture. The carvings are crisp. The gargoyles on the tower are amazing.
As we left I spotted this.
A seat by the beach, sorry beech. It looked a peaceful place to sit.
This afternoon I did a 19.55 bike ride and a 6.55 mile run.
So, time for the figures
335.4 miles of cycling
164 Miles of running
80.9 miles of walking
9.2 miles of swimming

589.5 miles of exercise

26 weeks
1245.9 miles of cycling
938.9 miles of running
461.2 miles of walking
42.1 miles of swimming
2688.1 miles of exercise
I've also completed 7 marathons.


  1. Awesome stats - invincible is definitely a good description

  2. Wow! Those are some great stats, impressive! :-)
