Friday, 7 June 2013

Juneathon day 7, quiet end to the week

Well, that's one week over, I ran 2.6 miles this morning and walked to work, since then, however, I have done very little. I have done a power of eating though. Today was mainly a day of rest and repair ready for the biggest training weekend leading up to Outlaw. The plan is long swim and cycle tomorrow and Long run Sunday. There are only 4 weeks now until we travel to Nottingham for the iron distance triathlon. Last year I didn't know what to expect, this year I do. I don't know if that is a good thing. Also, last year Billy was supporting me, this year he's competing alongside me (well somewhere ahead of me). I'm sure he is going to do well, he is way better than me at all the disciplines.
Well that's it, short and sweet tonight, I hope you all have a great weekend whether racing, training or resting. Good luck to you all.


  1. Lena, you never cease to amaze me with how hardcore you are. Enjoy tomorrow :)
