Sunday, 30 June 2013

Juneathon day 30, end of week 26 of 2013

Well, that's it, Juneathon is over. Maybe it was a little over ambitious to sign up, when Outlaw triathlon is so close and I should have finished the month on taper and running everyday was not the best idea. But I did it, I ran every day of June, as well as doing some walking, cycling and swimming.
We are also half way through the year, as 26 weeks have now passed, I have exercised daily and my 2013 miles in 2013 challenge is not too far off track.
Today Billy and I took Jed to Aysgarth, to walk by the falls.
It was lovely, though the rive was quite low. We walked up to the church. The last time I was there I ran through the church yard during the Wensleydale Wedge, last November. I remember thinking then " Wow, I must come back and explore this further". I'm glad we went. As we entered the churchyard, to the right there's a gravestone which got my interest
Wow, what an age for both of them to live to, I wonder how long they were married. Billy and I have been married 25 years on Tuesday, wonder how old we will live to?
Also in the church yard we saw this grave, wonder why it has a cage?
The church yard is massive and there were sheep to keep the grass under control, don't think they like nettles though.
The church St Andrews, itself is large with beautiful architecture. The carvings are crisp. The gargoyles on the tower are amazing.
As we left I spotted this.
A seat by the beach, sorry beech. It looked a peaceful place to sit.
This afternoon I did a 19.55 bike ride and a 6.55 mile run.
So, time for the figures
335.4 miles of cycling
164 Miles of running
80.9 miles of walking
9.2 miles of swimming

589.5 miles of exercise

26 weeks
1245.9 miles of cycling
938.9 miles of running
461.2 miles of walking
42.1 miles of swimming
2688.1 miles of exercise
I've also completed 7 marathons.

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Juneathon day 29 the penultimate day

Early start for the lake today, the water was 16 degrees but felt cold on entry as it slowly found its way into my wetsuit at the small of my back. There was weed quite near the jetty, I ignored it and got on with my swim. It was going well afte the first few minutes as I acclimatised, I swum past both Islands then turned to go back down the other side of th Islands. It was not too bright, or too rough so I was able to do bilateral breathing. I was going well when Suddenly I found myself in a patch of weeds, they were above the surface, AARGH! I HATE WEED it was difficult to swim crawl so I changed to breast stroke an thrashed around a bit until I wa in clear water, this happened 2 more times. It ruined my swim.
I got out and got out of my wetsuit and dabbed myself dry, pulled on my socks and trainers and set off home. Billy was driving so he took all my swim stuff home. I only ran because of Juneathon otherwise I would not have run. I ran past the sewerage works to the river, I checked my watch for my pace before I went into the woods, 10:00 min miling, I tried to pic op the pace on the uneven trail through the wood and out onto Fishergreen, I ran to the ford, 9:52 min miling, now it was up hill for the next 3/4 of a mile, I concentrated on farm all the way to the traffic lights, it was clear to cross (don't know if that's good or bad, on the one hand a rest would have been nice, bu on the other it would have broken my rythm and slowed my pace). I reached the top, checked my pace as I turned onto North Street, 9:58 min average pace, so I picked my pace up, dodged a few pedestrians, the lights were clear for e to cross again, then up my street avoiding an annoying reversing car, (people use our street as a turning point, they've wrecked the road surface) I jumped a pothole and ran to my door. 2.12miles in 20 min 52 sec 9.52 minute mile average.
Good run, but its a bit chilly running straight from a swim in my wet tri suit.

Friday, 28 June 2013

Juneathon day 28, starting the day right

I got up early today to get my run done. It was drizzly and cool, perfect for me, the heats been hard work lately.
I set off well, at the end Of mile 1 my average was 10:28 min mile. Thought it would have been quicker, but hey ho, on with the run. I ran through the crossroads in the fields with my legs being whipped by wet cow parsley and buttercups. There was not a soul in site. As I approached the first cattle grid there were two cyclists looking lost, I asked if they were ok, they said they were, they were looking for somewhere to sit to have their breakfast. I walked the cattle grids today, because they're slippery when wet. (Oo! Bit of Bon Jovi there)
I set off up the drive, I never seem to get déjà vu doing this route, because the surroundings change constantly. To my right I spotted the spotted back of a fawn trotting (if that's the right word) along in the grass, which at the moment os long and flowering. I stopped and got my phone out for a picture.
I love the park at this time of day, the deer are always closer to the drive and seem mush less timid. A little further and through the trees, like a sentinel I spied a dead tree

Half way up now and the drive has been resurfaced, from here to the top gate, chippings, it was quite loose underfoot, but I kept on, to the gate, touched it and turned to run back down with a couple more stops for pictures.

I love the way that the trees look as if someone has trimmed them precisely, but its as far as the deer can reach.

As I ran towards the arch, I realised that the cathedral was captured in the top of the arch, giving the impression of a stained glass window.

I checked the time, quarter past 7 oops! Better get a wriggle on, I'd be late for work. I could have stayed ou ages, but I had to go home now.
As I crossed the last cattle grid, I glanced left and there were the cyclists on the bench, enjoying breakfast. They must have thought I'd been miles. So I retraced my steps through the fields, crossed the road and saw the 3rd person since I'd left the house an hour ago, as he ran towards me I spotted something familiar, whoa! Nice t shirt, "I've got one like that" I said, he just smiled, his shirt was white with a bit of black and Orange, and Outlaw, it was an Outlaw half t shirt. I don't have one just like it, mines white grey and orange. From 2012 Outlaw.
I ran home smiling cos I'd seen an Outlaw but, apprehensive at the same time, of facing the challenge again in 9 days time.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Juneathon day 27 a new stomping ground

Tonight it was club training, we met at the car park behind Fountains Abbey and headed off road. We went into Spa Gill wood, I have been through here before on the Ripon ultra and when I run the Sawley loop, but we went a different way, I'd never been there before, there wa a little beck running through and it was so beautiful and peaceful. We did 2x 10 min efforts and 1x 12 min was quite humid but I felt good, it was hard not to put too much effort in, but failed, I just can't help myself.
I will definitely go back to run in these woods because they were so nice

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Juneathon day 26 midweek race

Today was the last race proper of the Harrogate District Summer Running League, it was hosted by the orange clad Wetherby runners. The course was different to the last Wetherby one that I ran. I had to work last time they hosted the race and used this course. The old course was along the Wetherby to Spoffoth cycle path, an out and back flat course in an old railway cutting, humid with no views. This new course could not be more different, a lollipop shaped course with gorgeous views, beginning and ending in Sicklinghall. As I hadn't done it before, my friend Jackie T who had, told me it was undulating with a big hill at the end, but not to save anything on it as it was down hill then all the way to the finish. I set off at the back as usual, there were only 3 or 4 people behind me. Last nights run had not been great and my ankle that I injured in January has been aching lately, as well as my right quad being sore, so I was not expecting a great run.
I set off steady, my hair started to fall out of my bobble, so I sorted that as I ran, I noticed some cattle in the field nearby were running too, they practically stampeded to one hege, then turned and ran back., distracted I was gradually passing people and soon forgot my aches and pains, we came to a steep downhill, I ran down and my quad was sore as I tried to control my descent, so I just let myself go, I was passing people thinking they'll soon be passing me again, but they didn't, and as what goes down must go up, we set off up a hill, I remembered Jackie's words, and didn't hold back passing walkers and runners, I reached the top, it went down a bit then up again, this wasn't what I expected, I kept running slowly winding the other runners in, and then thee it was in the distance a hill, not as big as the last one, I dug deep and maintained my form, still catching and overtaking other runners as the road dipped down towards the village, I let my legs go, then as the finish was in sight, someone overtook me, uh hum! I don't think so, I was running out of space but I pulled a sprint out of the bag and beat her to the line.
This morning I had checked the distance, 4.8 miles and had targeted myself to run it in around 47 minutes. I looked at my watch, 4.85 miles in 43:26, sub 9 min mile average, Get In!
I met my other team mates and we went for food, there I saw a different Jacky, I Avnet seen her for ages as she has been recovering from some nasty accidents. She normally runs for Wetherby, it was great to see her and to hear that she is running again.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Juneathon day 25, None stop day

Tuesday, always busy. Get up, dog walk, work, dog walk, juniors, running club and adult running club. Tonight there was a junior club meeting after running club, and so It was late when I finally got home.
The junior runners had their championship handicap race tonight, so Zi ran there, marshalled and then ran to the cricket club. It's great watching the youngsters improve.
At the adult running club, there were not as many runners as usual, we have a league race tomorrow so people are resting. The group I ran with decided to do a shorter route at a steady pace, I drifted steadily towards the back, I was still tired, so the run was quite hard work for me. Still it was short, only 4.5 miles, so added to running to and from the junior race, that gives me 7.5 miles running for the day, I also walked the dog twice and walked to and from work, a total of 5 miles.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Juneathon day 24 rest day Yey!

Oops, almost forgot o blog. I ran 3 miles this morning just after 6 am. Now I'm on rest day because I don't need to run again till 5 pm tomorrow. I still feel tired though.
Tonight I thought I'd go for a swim, but I stopped myself. No! It's rest day, so I got on with a task I've not had time for.
St Wilfrid is the patron saint of Ripon, and on August 3rd we will have the annual parade through the city. Local groups, streets and businesses create floats. There are prizes for the best. The youth drama group where I am a youth worker takes part most years, we don't have a big truck, we have a small truck and we dance behind it. Themes of floats are a closely guarded secret between the competitors.
Tonight I have been costume making, can't tell you what, you'll have to wait till August. I have 4 costumes to make, and I have one half done.
But now my fingers are sore from sewing, time for bed.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Week 25 - #juneathon day 23. Weekly round up

Well that's another week done.
The last time I did not was 30 Dec 2012, because I signed up for Sid's Poppyfield challenge, (pay a few quid and exercise every day for January, pay a fine if you don't) it was decided by a few of us to pay a few more quid and carry on for the year. The least I have done is walking a couple of miles, but If I do that I walk as fast as I can.
I also signed up for Moon-joggers, I committed to run and walk 2013 miles.
I signed up for Janathon again, I figured that all these challenges ran nicely along side my own run 2013 miles in 2013 challenge, including a marathon a month and Outlaw and Vitruvian triathlons. Now I am embroiled in Juneathon.
It's easy to create or join a challenge, the fact that its public knowledge spurs me on, even when I really can't be bothered I know I have to do something, from walking the dog to running a marathon, making the miles add up.
The toughest bit is that I am also trying to raise funds for The British Lung Foundation in memory of my Dad. I have asthma and it makes things difficult at times, I understand the need for research into lung illnesses.
So I can't give in, I have to carry on, people depend on me to.
And so today, tired as I felt, achy as I felt, I got on my bike and embarked on a windy cycle ride, and it was tough but I did it. Afterwards I ran, not very well, I was hurting and it was warm, I couldn't get into a rhythm and my heart rate kept raising, I was forced to walk at times, I could have given up but I didn't. I struggled onwards, after all there were challenges to fulfill and funds to raise.
So lets get to some stats.
488 hours spent training (need to get faster so it doesn't take so long)
2597 miles traveled
41 miles Swum
444 miles walked
1029 miles cycled
903 miles run
For my challenge I am plotting my progress on a map to Moscow, this weeks total of 903 miles places me just past Berlin and heading for Poland.
Time now for taper, as my body screams stop, I can at least reduce my mileage and efforts for the 2 weeks before Outlaw Triathlon, I just need to balance that with my commitments to the other challenges.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Juneathon day 22 chasing rainbows

Another early start today, we were heading for the lake for a swim, 2 miles with friends was the plan, it had rained overnight so the air was cool, but the water was 20 degrees.
After getting out of my suit quick, it was a quick dab down and into the car, drive home and sort suits. Then out on the bike, still wet with a cycle shirt on top. It was Wendy and cool, but I soon dried off and warmed up, but the wind was a real hindrance on the bike. We picked a short route, as we wanted to go visiting after lunch, so after fighting the wind for nearly 20 miles we got cleaned up and had lunch before going to visit my son, his girlfriend and our gorgeous 4 month old granddaughter. We don't get to visit often enough with all this training.
After tea I went for my run, didn't have a plan, legs are still sore from Thursdays sprints, it was aiming as I ran, but then the sun came out and I saw the most gorgeous double rainbow they were so vibrant against the grey skies, as i changed direction they faded but I would turn a corner and there would be another, I ran 6 miles. the only annoying bit was when a car driver drove into a puddle and soaked me but the rainbows made me smile

Friday, 21 June 2013

Juneathon day 21 it's been a long day

It really has been a long day ironic that its Summer Solstice. I awoke about 4ish and was still awake at 4:44 so I got up, had breakfast some telly, there's a weird mix of programmes on at that time of day. I ended up channel hopping.
Exercise wise, today I have walked the dog twice and I had a couple of meetings a couple of hours apart at the other side of town so I came home for lunch in-between. So that was at least 8 miles of walking. After tea Billy and I fitted tri bars to my bike, I then went to try them out, just short of 19 miles, I then went for a mile run.
I didn't get. Sat down until 21:00, but that's maybe not a bad thing, I have ached all day today from yesterday's sprint session. I have stretched well after my cycle and run, that should help.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Juneathon day 20. Two thirds gone already

9.88 miles over 6 runs today. I was awake early so I was out with Jed early, we jogged to the Cricket pitch. (Run 1) I then ran around the boundary line of the cricket pitch as quick as I could, 3 and a bit times until my watch vibrated for a mile, it took a little over 9 minutes. (Run 2) on the last lap I somehow pulled a muscle in my back around my shoulder blade. This amperes my Dogjog by the river (run 3) and annoyed me all day.
It had however eased a fair bit by the time it came to go to running club,so I ran there (run 4). Training was a series of 20 sprints with short recovery, I was last, but hey ho someone has to be (run 5) after training I ran home (run 6).
My back/ shoulder blade is still sore, but I still managed my runs, hope its better tomorrow.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Juneathon day 19 was that really a year ago

19/06/12 was one of the proudest moments of my life. Last year I ran about 300m around Ripon market square carrying an Olympic torch. I will never forget that day, ever. It was amazing.
Today's run was very different, only little Jed for company as I jogged down to the cricket club for a couple of laps the a jog home. It was warm this morning, as it was warm last year.
We've been lucky with this weather, but its very humid, I find it difficult to run in humidity, difficult means good training. Even Jed is affected and just lies around all day, lucky devil.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Juneathon day 18 an unexpected race

Today was a usual busy Tuesday, all the standard stuff, dog walking, work and Junior running before adult Ripon runners.
I hadn't realised that it was Chase You Mates(CYM) tonight. Chase Your Mates is the club handicap. Any Ripon Runner can take part. It's organised by another member of the club. She works out our start times and sets us off and is there to record our times when we get back. The course is scenic, mixed terrain and undulating and approximately 6 miles long.
Anyway, as I hadn't realised it was CYM I did not have my number, I checked my start time and noted my number, 94 can I just call my number when I cross the line? I asked, yes I was told.
Soon it was 6:45 time for me to go, I'd drunk plenty of water so was ready to go, I set off around the cricket pitch and as I left the grounds I could sense other runners behind, I ran hard to the crossing and down to the caravan site crossing the road again, I was relieved that both crossings ha been car free. All the way through the fields I could hear someone behind me, I ran harder, the runner was on my heals as I went through the gate into Studley village. I was over taken by 2 runners as I entered the park, I flagged slightly as I was passed, then Zi challenged myself to not let them get away, I ran hard through the park, gosh it was hot, my mouth was so dry. I was keeping the runners close as we headed up Mackershaw, the cool of the trees and the damp, dust free ground was a blessing, as I turned for the gate, I could see another 2 or 3 runners coming up behind me. I pushed myself hard through the cow field and onto Whitcliffe lane. This is a horrid bit of the course, it is covered in a loose grit and potholes, meaning concentrating where your feet go, every step. I could hear someone close so I pushed hard again, I challenged myself to get to the gate a Hell Wath cottage without bing overtaken, then to get to the little bridge by Duck House, I was going well but almost wanted the runner to overtake so I could rest a bit. I was then overtaken, by on of the fas men, but the other runner was still behind, then a I turned to the caravan site the runne overtook me. And I took a few slower steps to get my breath, some one else passed me, then it was out of the gate, across to the caravan site and I was heading back. I was still reasonably close to one of the runners who overtook me as I entered Studley park. I started to push myself again as I approached the crossing point, then I was passed again. As I ran back towards the cricket club, another runne over took me, but I wouldn't give in, even when I was passed as I was about to enter the cricket ground. I ran around the pitch to the finishing chute '94' I called. Then it was over, I could go get a drink for my dry mouth.
How fast was I? I don't know. One of the rules is that we cannot wear a watch or use any other time keeping or pacing device.
I do know that I ran to the best of my ability. What more can I say.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Juneathon day 17. A rare rest day

Another night of poor sleep, but I managed a short dog jog, and apart from a dog walk and walking to work, I have rested. I spent the evening sorting the bit of garden I have, it's been neglected whilst I have been doing all this training. It's quite satisfying seeing a job well done.

Sunday, 16 June 2013

Juneathon day 16 challenge week 24

This is where I would be if I had actually set off running from Ripon to Moscow on New Year's Day 2013. Instead this is a virtual challenge and I'm sat in my living room typing this.
Anyhow this where my accumulated 2013 run mileage of 867 miles would put me:

Bundesautobahn 10
Bundesautobahn 10 runs in Brandenburg as an orbital motorway around the German capital Berlin, colloquially called Berliner Ring. It should not be confused with the Berliner Stadtring around Berlin's inner city.
Not quite on target, but another part of my challenge has taken over at the moment, Outlaw.
Outlaw Triathlon is a long distance triathlon, it's the same distance as an Ironman competition. Ironman is now a massive corporation and I don't think they like other long distance events to be called ironman they are long distance triathlons, though unofficially, as the distances of 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile cycle and 26.2 mile run all to be completed within 17 hours, are the same, they are known as iron distance. Whatever they are called, they are hard work. The training takes over your life. Therefore, as Outlaw is now 20 days away, running has taken a slight back seat. This week was gentler than last week, it's time to let my body recover from the hard work, and get ready for the big day.
This week I have been very tired following last weeks 2 x 5 miles+ hilly races and a weekend of training covering over 130 miles. So all in all I am quite pleased to have managed what I have.
Today we went to Newby Hall to watch friends race in an Olympic distance (0.93 mile swim in the river Ure, 25 mile cycle and 6.2 mile run) It was a great event and tired as I was I was a little jealous of the competitors.
Afterwards we came home and had a light lunch before a 10 mile cycle and a 10 mile cross country run.
It's great to think that the hard work is done. Nothing can make me fitter or faster. I just need to remain healthy and un injured for the next 3 weeks.
I am doing these challenges to raise money for the British Lung Foundation because 5 years ago, my dad died and he had suffered with Emphysema.
This Father's Day, please consider a small donation to my just giving site by clicking the link on the right, or by texting LENA75 £2 (or other amount) to 70070 don't forget the gift aid.

Saturday, 15 June 2013

Juneathon day 15, tri ing hard

Again a poor nights sleep, three in a row. Doesn't take long to impact on training. Woke up tired with a busy day planned. 
Started with a dog walk to loosen up then down to the racecourse for a swim. The air was cool and the wind was strong, whipping up waves on the lake. The lake was not too cold after the initial entry. 16 degrees c apparently. I set off, my google misted, then leaked, I turned back to the Jetty and sorted them out. I got swimming and it was hard work swimming into the waves and fighting against the water which was pushing me towards the shore. Billy was way ahead by now, I plodded through the water, around the far Island and back to the jetty. The water was murky and the weed lurked just below my hands. Billy's flip flops were still on the jetty so I went around the first island, I was tired and didn't feel I could get around the top island in a reasonable time, Billy was still not back so I swam around the buoys. I swam about 1.8 miles in 1:18, Billy swam 2.5 miles in 1:25 (awesome).
After going home, sorting the wetsuits and having a second breakfast to replenish some of the calories that we had already burned (bacon butties), we headed off on the bikes. 
Today was very different from last week, where last week we were slapping on sun screen, this week it was long trousers and wind proof jackets. We picked a flatter route, but an open one where we would have to cope with the wind. (Last year it was very windy at Outlaw). I wanted to do 60 miles. Well that wasn't happening, I struggled from the start, my legs were tired, I was tired. The whole ride was tough start to finish. 50.20 miles in 3:39. Average was 13.7 mph, need to be quicker.
My right foot was really sore on the bike today, so it was more important than ever that I ran a while. I really didn't feel like it, but managed 1.18 miles in 12.48 .
After stretching and freshening up, I walked up to visit mum and back.
Now I have ha my tea and am resting, early night for me I think.
Today was a very hard session, I honestly cannot remember ever feeling so tired.

Friday, 14 June 2013

Juneathon day 14, whoops almost forgot

Poor nights sleep has left me tired, it was warm last night even with the fan on, I think it's all this exercise, my metabolism is through the roof and I am constantly warm. 
I shouldn't complain though because that heat is me burning calories, I hope. Could do with loosing a few Lbs
You would think I'd sleep like a baby, Oh! I do, disturbed nights lol.
Anyway I haven't let that stop me, I ran 4 miles by the river before work and as the swimming pool was shut, I did a brick session, 9.5 mile cycle and 1.5 mile run. 
Should be in bed but had forgotten to blog. 
Night night, sleep tight 

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Juneathon day 13, mixing it up a bit

What creatures of habit we are. Somehow I have started to take Jed the same route for his morning walk. Even so, the view changes daily as the seasons roll onwards.
Today I decided to do the usual route,but in reverse, this confused Jed a bit but he's adaptable. It is amazing how different things look from a different angle. I like trees, I don't hug them or anything but I love their individual structures and sometime will suddenly say "that's a nice tree".Ripon Spa Gardens has some nice trees, and to make them more interesting they have Green man motifs on them, some attached to branches, some on the trunks, I love this because I often spot one that I don't think I have seen before. You can get a trail leaflet from Caroline at the spa garden cafe so you or the kids can search out all of the Green men. This morning I spotted a new tree, well not really a new tree, it's probably been there for decades, but this was the first time that I had noticed it. " That's a nice tree I exclaimed" suddenly looking around in case anyone was around to hear. 
So why not change your routes and routines and take time to notice the trees. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Juneathon day 12 another recovery day

Just for good measure, I have done very little today. I have however been for my 3 weekly sports massage. Was good to get Libby to work on my tired legs. They feel good now. A good nights sleep will further improve my recovery, ready for a mor active end to the week.
I did run this morning, I tried to inject a bit of pace over the first mile, but realistically that was a lot to expect. I managed 9.23 minutes, and I know I can do better. The next few weeks I hope to work on pace, brick sessions and transitions

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Juneathon day 11 still recovering

A gentle day and it was not my turn to do Junior running club. It was nice to have a bit of time not rushing around.
Went to running club and the group I ran with ran a lovely mixed terrain route that we haven't run in a while. It was lovely. When we got back someone in another group asked if I fancied the Robin Hood marathon. When? 29 Sept, hmmm! Haven't got a September Marathon and events are more fun than training marathons.
Came home home entered, get in. Can't believe I still get excited about entering marathons.
Walked 4 miles at least today.
Ran 6.4 miles

Monday, 10 June 2013

Janathon day 10 technological break down

Well surprisingly I felt ok this morning after the weekends excesses. A little tight across the shoulders and a tight glute but they soon eased off.
My plan today was to do a short triathlon after work. But that was not to be. I got home and had some admin to do, the printer wouldn't work, so we got the Billy's work printer out that wouldn't work either. We  started tea but the cooker wouldn't work. The Cooke clock has been playing up for a while now and to light the ovens we had to reset the clock. Tonight even that would not work. We cooked the veg in the microwave and had lamb pitta breads in the panini machine.Was nice actually. After tea, Billy used youtube to bypass the clock on the cooker. the cooker now works but the clock doesnt. . Then we wasted time faffing  with the printers. Both had new cartridges but would not print black. At 8 o'clock I went for a run, I didn't ache but was fed up. A good reason to run. I never intended to go far but a mile was enough. Even though I did not ache, my legs were not very reactive tonight so the run was not as soothing as usual. 
Last week my Garmin watch strap broke, the new one arrived, I decided to change it, what a nightmare that was, then I decide to change the batteries on my Cateye cycle computer. The sensor on the fork was easy but I couldn't work the receiver out. I gave it to Billy cos he did his lately. Mine was different. He put YouTube on and got it sorted. 
Thank you Billy. Hope nothing else goes wrong.
Rest day totals
Walk 2.85 miles
Run 1.14 mile

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Juneathon day 9. APWT

Appy With That. When I got up this morning I was tired, tired and achy, when I was walking the dog I kept yawning, and I had a headache. Why today? I want to run a marathon, I need to run a marathon. It's June and my 2013 challenge is for 2013 running miles including a marathon. On a plus side it was cool so that makes for good running conditions. Where should I run? I have an eight and a bit loop of town, which I used in January and February, or the Studley mile, this is in the local deer park,

there is a long drive 1.1 miles up to a gate turn and run 1.1 miles down. The town loop would be less boring and passes the end of my road 3 times for extra fluids or loo stops. The Studley mile has a loo and I can leave my bottle at the bottom gate and refuel and hydrate every 2.2 miles without carrying anything. 
That was the option I chose. The route is, home to Studley, 2 miles, 10x up and down the drive, run home, sorted. I put on ace book what I was doing in the hope that I'd get company. The drive is busy but running up and down 10 times is lonely.
I filled my bottle and set off, my pace was not great, but I felt comfortable. I cot to Studley, stashed my bottle and Jacket and cracked on. It soon became clear that it was going to be tough. The odd thing was that I kept seeing  a man, he was walking up and down the drive twice, I'm not the only glutton for punishment. 
As I was running down on lap 2 I spotted Trish coming through the gate by the cattle grids if come to do a couple with you she said as she set off up the drive. I'll catch you up I sad as I ran across the 3 cattle grids down to the gate. Had a drink and a dextrose tablet then set off to catch Trish. But I couldn't, try as I could. It took me 1.5 laps to catch her,

Soon it was time for Trish to go and I was back to my lonely running. On lap 5 I detoured to the loo and as I was running back down the drive, Billy was coming up, he was going for water at the loos. On lap 7 my water was low so I went to the loos to refill my bottle, lap 7 seemed to go on forever, but Soon, I was back at the bottom gate stashing my bottle. I turned and set off back, only 3 to go,I thought, it was tough, it was no longer cool the clouds had parted to reveal a bright blue sky allowing the day to heat up. I could happily have just gone home, but that would mean I would have to do it next week, I'd come this far, I'd do it If I had to walk. It was a real slog, not enjoyable at all. I was relieved when I started the last lap. It was tough, it felt as if I was running though mud, it felt as if I was not moving, I forced myself up the hill and Mike ran lithely past. I've never ran up here like that, I said out loud as he disappeared into the distance. Nearly there and at least I was still running, well more of a shuffle, I was catching stones with my trainers as I barely lifted my feet, I struggled up the last hill and touched the gate, turned and ran back down, I had a stupid smile on my face, it was over, I ad done it, I was going home. I reached the bottom gate and retrieved my bottle (it was nearly empty) I looked at my watch, 25.9 miles, nearly done, I ran for home, it was hot, I was tired, it was a struggle as I ran between the hedges but I pushed onwards. As my watch vibrated for 27 miles, I stopped, I was out of water, exhausted. I stopped my watch, restarted it and speed walked the rest of the way home, where I rehydrated on Berrocca and lay on the cool tiles with my legs up the wall. 
It was hard but it was a victory, I had persisted even when my body cried stop. At Outlaw I'll be running exhausted, this was in my opinion, good psychological training.
This week I ran over 50 miles, including 2 hilly races, cycled 130, walked 20 miles and swum 2. Not too bad.
In my 2013 Ripon to Moscow virtual challenge, I have actually run 831 miles which virtually places me approaching Berlin.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Juneathon day 8 tough training

This weekend is Billy and I's biggest Outlaw training weekend. We started the day with a dog walk, then it was down to the Racecourse for a swim, two laps was the plan, that's 2 miles. It felt better than last weekends swim in Coniston and I managed the task in 1 hr 12 mins, 3 min quicker than a fortnight ago. What a difference a week makes though, the water was calm and relatively warm. That weed is waiting to erupt though.
After swimming we came home and ate bacon and sausage butties (brown bread of course) and set off on our bikes, 100 mie plus was the aim. We went from Ripon to the back of Fountains Abbey, up How Hill to Ripley, from there we went to Knaresborough, we used the road rather than the fab new cycle path as it was Knaresborough bed race today. (Ripon Runners women won, the men were second and another predominantly Ripon Runner bed, Avalon did well too) from Knaresbourough we went to Arkendale, Cattal, Whixley, over the wooden toll bridge (cycles free) to Easingwold, then after a brief comfort break we headed to Coxwold and Kilburn. Here I messed up big time, in my head I thought there was a road that ran below the White Horse to the bottom of Sutton Bank, 'have you any Idea where you're sending us?' Billy Said, 'that road goes up' 'It'll be fine' I said we headed up, I messed my gears up and came to a halt, I push a whil I thought, Billy pedalled onwards and upwards. I got back on and was ok till a sharp corner wher I lost momentum and walked a bit again, Billy was nowhere in sight. I got back on and a car caught up with me and crawled behind. I got off and let it pass and couldn't get going again. Billy was waiting for me in the White Horse car park. Oops! We weren't meant to come here. We headed back down, good job I HAD new brake pads. On a sharp corner a car was coming towards me, I stopped, (in the hedge) I was so glad to get back to the bottom. We decided to go the way we knew to Bagby, Sowerby and Thirsk. There we decided to go to Northallerton and Bedale. I wa flagging, Billy wa miles ahead and had to keep waiting for me. At Bedale we decided to go to Masham, then home. The mileage would come up short, so w went to Bishop Monkton and back.
When We got home, I took Jed for a Dogjog and Billy did tea, mmm! Steak, egg chips and tomatoes followed by trifle. Well we have burned a few calories off today.
Tired now, and I still have a long run to do in the morning, night all

Friday, 7 June 2013

Juneathon day 7, quiet end to the week

Well, that's one week over, I ran 2.6 miles this morning and walked to work, since then, however, I have done very little. I have done a power of eating though. Today was mainly a day of rest and repair ready for the biggest training weekend leading up to Outlaw. The plan is long swim and cycle tomorrow and Long run Sunday. There are only 4 weeks now until we travel to Nottingham for the iron distance triathlon. Last year I didn't know what to expect, this year I do. I don't know if that is a good thing. Also, last year Billy was supporting me, this year he's competing alongside me (well somewhere ahead of me). I'm sure he is going to do well, he is way better than me at all the disciplines.
Well that's it, short and sweet tonight, I hope you all have a great weekend whether racing, training or resting. Good luck to you all.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Juneathon day 6 late starter

Tonight was the HDSRRL race at Richmond, I had a lift and we had a couple of directional issues. We arrived late and the race had already started, we got out of the car and started to run up the hill to the start, as I crossed the line the timekeeper said 3:11. That's a bit to make up. I ran and my teammate went off ahead , eventually to our right we saw the other runners, we ran hard until we slowly caught up . The hilly course made this possible, this is where my hill training pays off, I caught my first runner at about a mile and slowly caught a couple more up before the downhill. Gosh that was steep, I remembered our coach's tip about tiny steps, it gave me confidence and allowed me to recover ready for the cross country section, where I over took a couple more runners, I felt strong as I entered the lane towards the finish, I overtook another runner , then there was no one else to overtake, just the finish line and the runners that had already finished. It was a good race, hard but fun.
This is a great course, very challenging but I love it.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Juneathon day 5. 157th day of exercise

Yes that's right, since New Years Eve, I have not had a day without exercise, the least I have done is walked and then I have walked fast.
Well I've been doing Janathon for a couple of years now, so when Sid suggested a similar thing I jumped at it. The Poppyfield challenge is SIDS way of raising funds for Birmingham Children's Hospital where his niece Poppy was treated for a brain tumour. We all paid a few quid and pledged to pay a fine of a pound a day without exercise. The challenge went so well, a number of us paid again, but this time it was for the whole year, I signed up, thought it would be easy, it's not, but the cause is good and the support from fellow Poppyfielders strong, we are almost halfway there.
Today was rest day, I walked 2.5 miles and ran 2 miles.
Well done Poppyfielders, keep up the good work, and Steve (Sid) when it gets tough, remember, we are all in this together, still moving forwards doing good.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Juneathon day 4 Time to Type

The end of another busy day approaches and so to blogging.
A good friend did me a massive good turn today, he took mine and Billy's details and did our entries for the Brownlee Tri at Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal in September. We wanted to do this but work commitments meant that if the 1000 places went quickly we would have missed out. Thank you.
I started the day chilled out, ice gentle dog walk followed by a walk to work. After work I walked home, walked Jed then jogged 1.5 miles to the start of the Ripon Runners Juniors championship race, where I marshalled. The kids were great as usual, some struggled with the heat, but there were no complaints, they stormed their 2 mile course.
Afterwards I jogged back to the cricket club for the Adult Ripon Runners Chase Your Mates handicap race. This race is held over the same course 8 times over the summer. No watches or other pacing/timing equipment is allowed. I didn't feel as good tonight, I felt a bit tired and it was a bit warm for me, I don't run we'll in heat, it takes a while for me to acclimatise, but I feel that I ran a steady pace from start to finish, I was passed by quite a few runners and overtook none, so I expect my time was slower than usual. Afterwards I jogged home. Total run miles 9.1, that's ok.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Day 3, my how time flies

As I write this, it feels as if I have just got up, but that was 16 hours ago.
Since I got up this morning I have done a 1.85 mle dog jog with Jed, been to work, done some shopping walked Jed, cycled over 27 miles and run 2 more miles. Doesn't look much written down, but I've hardly had a moment today, busy busy busy.
Oh and I saw these clouds whilst out on my bike, I thought it looked like a dragon eating a fish, so stopped for a pic, not so sure now.

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Juneathon day 2 Epic Swim Coniston

This morning dawned a gorgeous morning in Ambleside, where Billy and I spent last night prior to today's swim in Coniston. After a modest breakfast we booked out of our guest house and headed over to Coniston, the sun was shining and glinting off the rivers and streams, it glowed on the false water of bluebells in the woodlands and I promised to be a good day. We arrived at Epic swim headquarters and collected our gorgeous, pink swim caps, timing chips and tshirts, the car park was filling quickly as we eased our legs into our wetsuits. We walked a few minutes to the waters edge and completed our preparations, there were not as many people as I had expected, but there were two or three hundred wetsuit clad pink headed swimmers, many of who were wearing neoprene boots on their feet and neoprene hats under their race hats, some even had gloves. The race organisers had announced midweek that the water was 11 degrees, and so warm enough for the 3.8 km race to go ahead. We didn't have any of that cold water gear, we were gonna have to cope without. When a race organiser (dressed as a pirate)came on the tannoy for the race briefing he informed us that the water was 12.5 degrees, "tropical then" said Billy. We were counted into the water and had to swim to the deep water start. This was all a bit quick for me, I tend to faff about getting into the water. We stayed to the back and side of the group, we had a second race briefing, which I couldn't hear because I had ear plugs in, there was a countdown, my finger was poised over the start button on my watch, 3....2....1 Head shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes (what!) heads shoulders knees and toes (what toes? Couldn't feel mine) and so on, then the horn sounded and we were off.
The course was marked in yellow buoys, we had to swim up 3, across 1, down 3 across 1 this was 700m and brought us back to the start, then we had to go up 4, across 1, down 4 and across 1 1500m twice and finally swim the 100 m to the finish gantry.
I set of wide off the buoys and at the back so I could settle into it, I reached the 3rd buoy and was moving up the field,but as I swam to the next buoy, my sighting was out and I drifted about 50 m away, I could see the swimmers that I had overtaken getting ahead again. It took a massive effort to get back on course. I did and settled into my swim, my watch felt loose, I worried that it would all off, then realised that even if my wrist had shrunk with the cold, it couldn't slip off my hand. I stayed wide and was soon around the first buoy again and heading out on the first 1500m loop, the scent of diesel fumes between buoys 2 and 3 was awful it made me feel quite sick, I started to worry that it may affect my asthma and I could feel panic taking hold, I took deep breaths and calmed myself focusing on the task in hand, there was a swimmer to my right, I focused on he and got back into my stroke. As I rounded the next Buoy I went in closer and kept my focus on the next buoy. As I turned that next buoy I could see in the distance the lead canoe, again moved out, I didn't want to get in the way of fast swimmers.Something hit me in the face, I jumped, it was a big stick which then lodged against my chest till I moved it. When the lead canoe passed, I was still caught in its wake I swallowed water and fought the rising panic again. As I approached the turn buoy I misjudged an ended up close to it as the faster swimmers were coming through, was bumped about and struggled to keep calm and tried to be out of the way as they sped past to the finish as I still had 1600m to swim, I was bumped about and in turn bumped into the lady who had been swimming close by for the last lap. Now it was a battle to carry on, I couldn't get my breathing right and was swimming with my head up, dragging my legs, fearing cramp. Again I approached the Diesel fumey area and looked across to my right and the swimmer was still there, she hadn't got away from me, so I got my head down and go on with it. The turn buoy seemed to never get any closer, I risked moving inwards as there was no danger of being lapped anymore. "Billy's probably finished," I thought, "I've been out here forever but it's ok, I can do this, I'm moving forwards". Just before the turn, my legs started to feel fizzy, and I daren't move them fearing cramp, I dragged them behind me on the turn and then struggled to get my head out of the water enough to breathe, the other swimmer got ahead as I floundered. Stop, float,start again, move all limbs, no cramp, now swim, swim and catch her ack up, I caught up and settled back down, actually catching a couple of other swimmers too, bait late to get my confidence now as I took the last turn (wide) and headed for the finish, suddenly, instead of the blackness of the lake there were stones and. Could put my feet down, I was wobbly but I went over the mat, had my chip removed and was given my medal. I located Billy (well he found me) and he helped me sort myself out, stopped my watch, and gave me my towel and shoes. It was over, we survived, Billy's watch said under 1 hour 30 he did so well, mine said 1 hour 39. And my watch strap had broken and was only held on by a small bit. That was lucky.
After getting home, I did a 1.5 mile run in the spirit of Juneathon, my legs were tired and my calves kept tring to cramp. Then Billy and I had a nice relaxing walk by the river with Jed.

Time for bed now, I'm shattered

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Juneathon day 1

Day 1 of the challenge and it should be a rest day, as tomorrow I am swimming 3.8 km in Coniston. So a dog jog was in order, gentle paced along by the river. It's a lovely morning for it, trout jumping in the Skell and  ducks bobbing along. Lovely and peaceful with the scent of a variety of blossoms on the air.
Home now for bacon and eggs yum yum