Sunday, 15 January 2012

#Janathon day 15 almost failed

Today was busy and I nearly ran our of time to run. Original plan was go for a bike ride and follow it with a run. Hubby however wanted to go sofa shopping. So no bike ride. Got to Harrogate at 10:00 to find the shop we wanted was not open till 12:00. Ended up wandering around the few shops that were open. At midday we went to the sofa shop. Found the sofa we liked but when we measured it it was too big for our livibg room. So we came home. I had dance practice at 2:00 so no time for a run. Dance practice ran over so Hubby was grumpy cos he held tea off waiting for me. So I waited for tea to settle and just went for a quickie. 2.2 miles. Today is now my unplanned rest day.

1 comment:

  1. The main thing is you made it out there Lena. I’m a lot better for yesterday’s shorter run, hopefully you will be too. I hope your chubby rub has got better!!!
