Sunday, 29 January 2012

Day 29 Janathon. All that jazz

Last night was the Ripon Runners annual awards evening and dinner. Part of the evening was a spot of entertainment, and I was a member of the dance troupe. we have been practising twice a week since Jan 5th. I can not lie, I have found it difficult, no natural rhythm, dont know my left from my right and a mass dose of self-consciousness. Against all odds I finally picked up the moves.
Preping for last night was not simple. My dance outfit was black underwear, (fake stocking style tights, black lacetrimmed body shaper shorts and a black boned basque. a top hat and feather boa) my dress was white and so I could not wear my outfit underneath. So I set off with a carrier bag with my dance outfit in ready to change in the loo after the presentations.
I was getting really nervous as I ate my meal and throughout the presentations It always took at least 3 run throughs before I got it right.
All too soon we were all in the loo getting changed. The plan was to come out and cavort around the blokes sat at the tables working our way to the dance floor. I was 4 th out and was shocked to see that there were very few blokes at the tables only women, the men were crowding the bar which was not even in view of the dance floor, any way I spotted two fellas one to wrap my boa around and one to put my hat on. then I was on the dance floor finding my position, near the bar door in line with a particular flag stone, the music started and I went into automatic pilot as we performed. It went very smoothly. and by the encore I was really enjoying it.
Dont really know how the audience found it, people kept saying how brave we were, would have prefered brilliant or even just good. Its hard to workout what they meant by brave.
I had my camcorder set up but the quality is not great, very dark and now I cant get it to upload, fortunately it was positioned in a way that rarely got me in shot.
Today, I had a lie in 7 am, after brekkie and messing with computer trying to upload video, unsucssessflly, I went out for a bike ride, no route planned I just went. I went on the old cronk ( fake mountain bike) as it was Icy. I biked over 40 miles and when I got home I took Jed for a dogjog.
41 miles biked
3 miles dogjogged
as the end of Janathon approaches.


  1. One day that video will be leaked to the internet! Good mileage and dancing by the sounds of it! X
