Happy New Year, Went out for a couple of drinks last night to see in the New Year, was home by 01:30.
Little sleep in this morning, but got out with Jed for a #dogjog to start #janathon2011 off. Jed is only 9mths and cannot be run properly until he is a year old so a slow steady jog is ok he can run way faster than me if I let him. We walked to the park to warm up and let Jed do his business, then jogged to the sports fields and ran a mile with Jed off the lead. Then we walked to another dog walk area and I let him off again and ran a bit more, at the road I put his lead on and we jogged for home, nice and slow with stop and sniffs.
great first day of Janathon, wish I could run with my doggies :)