Monday 1 July 2013

First of July, only 5 full days to Outlaw

With Juneathon over, it's time to taper, Outlaw is pretty dominant in my thoughts, I try to push it away but it sneaks back in, making my heart jump and my stomach turn, but that is not exercise.
I walked Jed twice today and walked to work. Then this evening I changed my bike tyre and that gave me the opportunity to try out the gas inflator. I had a nightmare working it out, but I got there in the end.
Then I went for a swim in the pool. Ages since I've done that. Thank goodness for my Brodie after swim moisturiser. I forgot to use the beconaise hay fever nasal spray and now my sinuses are all inflamed. The swim itself was ok though.
For the first time since the first of June Zi have not run, that feels odd. Still I get to run again tomorrow.
Oh! And today I won a Facebook like and share competition from Ultra Running Store. I won an Ulta aspire running vest/backpack 

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