Tuesday 6 April 2010

How it was.

When I was young I wanted to be good at sport but I wasn't, I tried hard but I was pants I was always amongst the last to be picked for teams in P.E. But after watching the London Marathon in 1981 I dreamed that one day I would complete a marathon. I didn't tell anybody, I would get up early before anyone else, and set off around the block but I couldn't run more than a few yards and so gave up. Many years passed, I always watched the Marathon and thought, One day. But I was unfit, overweight, smoking and drinking burning the candle at both ends. It would never happen. In 1988 I married a soldier and children followed. Bringing them up single handed whilst my husband was away on tours was exhausting, especially as the youngest didn't sleep, still doesnt and he's 18 now. When my husband was home he was a great help around the house and with the kids. He would relax by going for long runs, I thought he was mad. He tried taking me out but I couldn't get to the end of the street, and gave up again. Years later, April 2006, my 40th birthday looming I decided to give up the fags, I went to the Docs for support, my husband said he'd give up too. Finally after years of failing I managed to give up smoking and because I was walking our german shepherd twice a day I didnt put on much weight, but unfortunately at the end of May, because of her age, we had to put the dog down. I managed to stay off the fags at this very emotional time but the weight was starting to creep on, so when the kids were in bed in the early mornings I started to go for walks. After a couple of months I decided to try to run. I couldnt even run from one lampost to the next. Its a good job it was early so no-one could see the fat woman trying to run and that the mornings were getting darker. This time I did not give up I persisted. If I could give up fags I could learn to run. Thats how it started.

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