Sunday, 30 August 2015

Vitruvian Middle Distance Triathlon

This weekend was Vitruvian middle distance Triathlon at Rutland Water in Leicestershire.

1900m swim (2 laps with Australian exit) 50,5 mile cycle with 2641 ft of elevation and 12,67 mile run with only 282 ft of elevation

First lets check the results from last time I did this race in 2013
Helena Conlin Race number 1009
Swim lap 1 00:23:53
Swim total 00:49:04
T1 00:03:24
Cycle 03:26:02
T2 00:01:51
Run lap 1 01:06:47
Run total 02:16:32
Time 06:36:56
Position 712/766
Category 45-49
Category Position 15/16
Gender position 132/148

We arrived at Rutland Water on Friday afternoon after a longer than average car journey due to traffic jams on the A1 and went for coffee whilst we waited for registration to open and for our team mates to arrive. It was sunny and warm but windy.
the lake looked ok, nice and clear and no weed to speak of.

After registering and collecting our hoodies we dressed our bikes and helmets with the numbered stickers and racked our bikes.
We then went to our hotel for the night Redwings Lodge at Uppingham, the hotel was 20 mins away by car. when we got there we were pleasantly surprised that they were putting breakfast on for the athletes at 04:30. that was nice. After dropping our kit off we went to the eatery next door for tea before turning in for an early night.

Saturday 29 August 2015

So after an early night but little sleep we got up, had the cereal we had brought with us as we hadnt realised that the hotel would put breakfast on. We prepared our nutrition and set of in the dark for Rutland Water. the moon was just sinking across the water as we arrived.

When I did this 2 years ago and didn't like that all the women swam in the last wave, regardless of pace or age. But at least the second loop gave me a clear swim, This year all the women were in the same wave again, but this time we went in first with the over 55 men. Then the other men started at 10 min intervals in age groups. This was a nightmare for me. After the initial melee I went wide for clear water, soon I could see white hats amongst our red ones. The second lap was aweful as the Yellow hat wave were getting ready to start on the right, the fast whites were on the left and I was about to be sandwiched and was only just holding down panic, I managed to cut across before the first yellows reached us, and went REALLY wide, but lots of others, red, white and blue had the same plan. I had a few bumps but made the final turn buoy. Within a few yards now it got more congested and just as I thought I'd made it, I got surrounded by the main washing machine of the white wave, I was pushed, and hit by other faster swimmers coming up behind me, I couldn't cope. I stopped and everyone had to swim round me. The canoeist asked if I was ok, I said I was and set off for the last bit doing rubbish breaststroke and heads up crawl. I was so relieved to get out and run to transition. Swim was faster than 2 years ago though.

Transition 1 was not too quick, the older I get the more I seem to dally about dithering about wearing jackets and stuff.

The Vitruvian bike is 2 laps on open roads which are busy, the weather was dry and sunny. There is a series of 3 hills known as the Rutland Ripple. They are big but not technical and you get a decent run up to them, the biggest challenge is the traffic and being constantly overtaken by really fast bikes making it difficult to overtake slower riders, but I got a decent pace and the first lap went quickly, the second was a bit windier, the weather, not me, so was slightly slower.Even so, I was catching and overtaking bikes right to the finish, I was relieved to get off. no punctures, no mechanicals and for me the bike was quick. Very pleased, all those hilly long routes and short flat bike sessions have really paid off.

Transition 2 again I dithered, I changed my socks and took a gel, set off, forgot my buff, went back, set off, snotty nose so went back for tissue, set off, forgot gel bottle, oh blast, just get on with it and get nutrition on course.

The Vitruvian run course is 2 laps along the edges and dam of Rutland water, it's relatively flat but quite exposed to the sun and wind. It took about 5 miles to feel like a runner again, but then it all clicked in and I felt like a runner again. As the miles passed I ran better and better. Now because the men went off in age groups Billy had set off 45 minutes behind me, I was relieved to make it onto the run without him passing me. This gave me a boost. I saw Richard the winner about a mile into my run as he was headed to the finish, we cheered each other on. I was careful to take water and high 5 at each aid station and made the first turn at the church
about 3.2 miles and set off back to the main event area, I was beginning to worry that something had happened to Billy when I saw him in the distance running towards me, he was fine and about a mile behind me. Right now I needed to run. It was the kick up the butt I needed. On the Dam I met teammate Jeff, Quick run I thought, don't get caught. I made it to the turn point in the main area and they were playing the song that I've been using for inspiration this year, Not Giving IN by Rudemental. With the song in my head I set off back to the church and met Billy, he was closer now,
This time, I'm gonna be stronger I'm not giving in,
This time, I'm gonna be stronger, no, I'm not giving in.
Back to the dam, there was Jeff. I wanted to push it a bit but was worried that I would burn out. Hold it together to the turn at the church. This time, I'm gonna be stronger I'm not giving in,
This time, I'm gonna be stronger, no, I'm not giving in.
Keep up the nutrition at each station.
I'm not giving in,
This time, I'm gonna be stronger, no, I'm not giving in.
There's the church, I was imaging Billy passing me, collect band, water, High5, RUN, I'm going home, Not giving in, there he is, he's catching me, RUN RUN RUN, Just a park run, GO, Not giving in. I ran as if my life depended on it, still getting water and High5 at each station waiting for Billy to pass, I was gonna do it I would beat him in even if I did have 45 min head start.
This time, I'm gonna be stronger I'm not giving in,
This time, I'm gonna be stronger, no, I'm not giving in.
I even thought we might cross the line together, but the line was getting closer and I was running as hard as I could overtaking people, getting stronger and there it was the finish. Helena Conlin you are a Vitruvian, I'd barely caught my breath when Billy Conlin you are a Vitruvian.
Oh boy what a result. I checked my watch, 6:04:46. WOW.
PB for me, and a PB for Billy. we got our medals and t shirts and went to wait for Jeff. It was not long before he finished completing his firs middle distance triathlon in under 6 hours. Brilliant. Congratulations Jeff.

Thanks to all the organisers and volunteers and special thanks to Jeff's wife Helen and Martin our training partner for your wonderful support.e
The only thing that spoils Vitruvian for me, an average swimmer is the start system. I prefer swim starts by pace rather than sex or age. but that's personal preference, the event has been running 13 years so it obviously works for the majority of athletes.
I highly recommend this event but you need to be quick off the mark, it sells out an a couple of hours.

And so the results
Date 29/08/2015
Bib no. 148
Name Helena Conlin
Club NYP Tri

Position overall 556/704
Position female 80/140
Position 45-49 female 9/24

Start time 6:16:40

Finish time 6:04:43
Chip time 6:04:43

Very happy, especially as I had not really tapered, I had reduced volume and increased intensity for my bike and swim this week, as well as my last couple of runs. but I've maintained my runstreak and Equimox24 training, completing 20 run miles Mon - Fri
Billy did 5:24:56 Good job he didn't taper at all, or he'd have definitely caught me.

So for billy and I its back to training.

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