One Misty Moisty Morning, When Cloudy Was The Weather, There I met a few men and women clad all in lycra.
The Round Ripon Ultra is a 35 mile multi terrain race organised by Go Beyond Sport. It has been running since 2010, where there were 36 finishers. this year there were 126, the race has grown. I first ran it in 2011 I was 42/46 in 9:05. In 2012 I ran it again and was 71/100 in 8:15. In 2014 I ran it again and was 40/66 in 7:23. So i set myself a target of under 7 hours today.
It was foggy, I hoped it would clear as the day wore on. The race was its biggest yet with over 120 runners and we gathered outside Studly Rodger village hall for the race briefing at 08:45 after registering and collecting our long sleeved technical tees in black and a waterproof phone case. There was a good turn out of Ripon Runners, Alex, Paul, Matt and Simon representing the men and Anneke, Claire, Nicole and myself representing the ladies. Chris was there taking pics. It was great to see him in his Equinox hoody.
5,4,3,2,1, go, and we all ran around the corner and queued for the kissing gate. I took it steady, long day ahead. We ran through Ripon and to North Bridge where we joined the Ripon Rowel walking route. There were still lots of runners in a long trail so I was patient and started to move through the pack as we hit the tarmac again. I was now running a bit quick but felt fine so just kept going through North Stainley to Slenningford Mill caravan site and CP1 (8 miles).

Quick loo stop, refill bottle, get cake and set off again eating. Around the River Ure to West Tanfield, cross the road and head for the woods. The next section was a bit over grown and the fog still surrounded me. it was a bit other worldly. By now I had 2 ladies running with me. I took a wrong turn and they came too. I got us back on track but involved climbing a fence. We ran though Mickley heading for Hackfall Woods, ahead was Simon and Nicole, the had passed us when I had led us astray. In Hackfall it was muddy in places and at one point I slipped and slid on my left side getting a little muddy. I caught up with Simon and Nicole who were enjoying their first RRU and ran with them for a while. I was chatting to Nicole and realised I hadnt had a drink for a while, I pulled out my bottle and raised it to drink, stubbed my toe and ended up rolling around on the floor. The group helped my up, my right arm, knee and re but not too bad, I put the discomfort to the back of my mind and carried on to Masham, where I detoured to the loo, then carried on to CP2 (16 miles).
Quick refuel, more cake and I set off for the shortest leg, down the lane, across some fields and then a downhill road section, an undulating lane and another road descent before the first big climb of the day, time for a bit of run/walking. It was amost all uphill from here on to the Swinton Bivouacand CP3 (20 miles)
Again, a rapid refuel and a run down a field to the bottom of Ilton Bank and the biggest climb of the day. Once up the hill I set off on the short new section and onto the moors. It was still foggy. I ran alone catching up and passing other runners as the emerged through the mist. Soon I was back on the road passing more runners before entering the moors again, I could see runners in the distance and just kept onwards, taking the uneven sections steady as I didnt want a third fall. This is the longest section of the race and also a bit tricky for navigation. Up past the tower and back to road and track, I caught another group and as I passed the lady with them came with me, we passed another group, one man was in a kilt. and then they all passed me as we approached Grantley and CP4 (28 miles)

The lady left first then me, leaving the group of men at the CP. It was still foggy as I headed back downhill, As I approached the bridge the lady came from the opposite direction, she had taken a different path, but it made not much difference. We ran together a while, she had a GPS and was using that, I was using the force and sometimes they didn't match. As I approached Eavestone I realised she was not with me anymore. I carried on alone, around the lake and passed some walkers in the woods but saw no runners. Approaching the fams the route was not clear but I used the force to get through and finally arrived at Pateley road. I crossed the road, grinning, I was nearly home, Soon I would be at Sawley. At Sawley I turned down past the church for a mile or so and then left the lane to enter Spa Gill Woods, Nearly home, along the track over the stile up the hill and then I was on Fountains Road, AND there was a runner, i tried to catch him but it was a bit tiring so I went back to my plodding style, past the visitor centre and though the gate to Studley by the ST Mary's. Yey, I was grinning from ear to ear and was gaining on the only other runner in sight. I ran down the drive, my Garmin buzzed for 34 miles. The road was busy with cars and walkers, and then a huge crowd came out onto the road, They had been photographing the deer, They parted as the runner and i approached. I found another gear as Sarah cheered me on. I overtook the runner. Had I gone too early? there was about half a mile to go, I dodged the walkers and vehicles, running for home, more Ripon Runners waiting for Nicole, including her mum Linda, cheered me on, cattle grids, arches, Kelly and Sam, nearly there run, run, another cattlegrid, but someone held the gate open so I didnt lose momentum, turn the corner, there was the finish gantry, I tried to turn it up a gear, dont think I succeeded, but it was all over now. I asked the time, 6:46 i was told. Yey! I did it. Mission accomplished.
We all had a good day, the Ripon Runners, Alex first, Anneka and Claire first and second ladies, Paul and Matt both finished well up the field, Nicole and Simon just a few minutes after me.
Me well I was 7 th female, 45/126 6:47:26 and very happy with that.
Lack of photos due to lack of view because of the fog