Sunday 23 August 2015

Oops! Broken promise

Time to round off the week.

This week has been a toughie again, My target was to run 70 miles as well as keeping up bike and swim training.
#Monday I did started with a bike ride 51 miles with 2812 ft of elevation, followed with a brick run of 1.7 miles. in the evening I did a 1 mile open water swim.

#Tuesday I ran 15.5 miles, I did this on the loop near my house of just over 5 miles giving over 800 ft of elevation.

#Wednesday I couldn't sleep so went out at 03:45 for a 2 mile run, then went and did the 5 mile loop just after breakfast.

#Thursday I rode my bike along the service road to try and improve my inconsistent pedaling,33.6 miles with just under 800 ft of elevation and followed it with a 1,7 mile brick run. in the evening I ran around Ripon racecourse lake 1.2 miles, before swimming a very weedy 1 mile lap and running around the lake again.

#Friday is rest day Yey! Runstreak doesn't rest though, so an early 1.7 miles sorted that, then a session on the roller and some strength and conditioning done, meant that I could rest.

#Saturday as you may have read in my previous post was a warm up run to Park run, Parkrun (PB 25:49) a jog to the car then four times around a lovely mainly off road 5.6 mile route, 22.3 miles in 4:27:22 with 4350 ft of elevation.

#Sunday Today was tough, tired legs, sore achilles and toes made the planned 15 miles tough. I used the 5 mile route which is predominantly tarmac. On the first lap my left achilles thought it would join my right achilles in being a pain and the toes on my left foot felt cramped, so with the advantage of lap running I went home and swapped trainers, what a difference. I managed to slowly run the next one and a half laps when my right achilles became a nuisance and my stride was slowing and getting shorter. I plodded onwards promising myself that if I got to the bottom of Roughly Bank then I would walk up it. As I approached the incline my legs finally clicked into run mode, not fast but running. This is why I have worked so hard to run even whist tired, to create almost a default setting. Since my legs were now doing as expected I did not walk up Roughly Bank. Promise broken. So today I covered 15.4 miles in 3:13:28.
So did I make my target? You bet I did 73.2 miles of running with an average pace of 11:48 and 7139 ft of elevation in 14.7 hours as well as 2 miles of open water swimming and 85.29 miles of cycling.

235 days of Runstreak completed.

Next week will hopefully be less tough as Saturday is Vitruvian, a middle distance triathlon, so I will be on taper from now till then. Less volume more intensity


  1. You went running at 03.45? People tell me I'm crackers getting up at 05.30, to be out before 06.00, so not sure what they'd think of you Lena! Anyway, well done on completing a brilliant week's work. Hope it all pays off.....

    1. Was a one off I think, should do more often but it leaves me so tired
