If you want something enough you will find a way, it's not necessarily sports related, it could be anything. I didn't just get up one day and do an Ironman. As a teenager I imagined being able to run the London Marathon. I didn't even run, until I was 40. Then it was a lamppost,a mile, a Race for Life, a 10km and so I progressed until I ran a marathon in 2010 and in 2011 I ran London Marathon. Triathon didn't come onto my radar until 2010 and I had to get swimming and ride a racing bike, but through running, I now knew that if I wanted to I would and I did.
There are pros and cons for everything and you need to assess these carefully.
Most of us have a self limiting belief or two, I have a few but I have also addressed a few too.
I am actually sacred of everything. Not ACTUALLY true, but I'm scared of loads of stupid things, Spiders, heights, hills, driving to name but a few. These fears can hold me back, but two of my biggest fears are a great help in me achieving anything at all, they are, fear of failure and fear of letting people down.
Necessity is aso a great tool for conquering "I CANT". One of my fears was driving. "I don't drive' I would tell people, careful not to say "I can't" that would have been a lie. The truth is, I don't like driving.
It got to the point where I never drove for years, then we moved house, to a new town. I had to drive to get to work. I would let people down otherwise. I bought a car that I felt comfortable and safe in and with some trepidation started driving again. Soon driving to work and on familiar routes became natural and it was time to face another silly fear, driving on the motorway. I needed to get to races I wanted to do and so I would make myself do short journeys on the A1.
And so, the self limiting beliefs I had about driving are shattered and I now have a whole new independence.
So now it's your turn, what do you want to do, give up smoking? get a new job? Run, cycle, Sail, surf, swim? Travel? Have a good hard think, what holds you back? Money, Time or a self limiting belief?
Time, well you make time for the things that are important to you.
Money, most things can be done on a budget if you look around or research how.
Self limiting belief, believe in the power of positive thinking, I can and I will. Not necessarily tomorrow, but one day.
If you don't push your limits, how do you know where your limits are?
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