Tuesday 14 July 2015

The sun sets on IMUK-5

So taper week continues, today I got up early and did my training before work, I set off just before 6 am and did a 22 mile flat bike ride, av pace 18.4. I impressed myself, shame I can't do that for 7 or 8 hours and on hills, or in the wind, wouldn't have to worry about cut offs with a pace like that. I followed it with a run down the lane and back and still managed to get to work on time.
This evening was Ripon Runner Junior and minis annual awards evening. It was a great evening of food and celebration, It was great seeing their faces as their hard work over th last year was rewarded.
On the way home the sun was setting rapidly but I pulled over and got a couple of pics.
Still got a couple of niggly aches, I am rollering daily and eating well, too well, I seem to be hungry all the time and getting the fluids in. Tired, so that means I'm off to bed in a moment. 

If you don't push your limits, how do you know where your limits are?

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