Thursday 12 September 2013

A new journey begins

I promised myself a rest in 2014 and not to commit to anything crazy. I really fancied doing Ironman UK at Bolton and so registered my interest, but when Outlaw was released Billy and I decided to do it again and entered, IMUK was released and will be the week before Outlaw this year so when Zi didn't get an early entry email I was not bothered. Billy has been wanting to do IMWales and wants to do that too. He enquired about early entry but was told that that had closed weeks ago but that general entry opens Friday 13 at noon.
Yesterday evening I checked my emails and tree was one from IMWales, an early entry code because I had registered for IMUK.
Should I, Shouldn't I, we discussed it momentarily and I soon found myself filling in an online form and parting with a lot of cash. eek! That's it, Done.
So today will be the first day of a 369 day journey to truly be an IRONMAN

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