Monday 19 March 2012

The Secret revealed

At 7:30 this morning (now) it will be the official launch of the Olympic Torch Relay.
My sister-inlaw Jontje nominated me on the Lloyds website
for my fundraising and work in the community. In December when the torchbearers were chosen there was some confusion. I recieved an email telling me I had been unsuccessful, but when I went on the site, my page said I had been successful. A conversation with Lloydds confirmed that I was unsuccessful.
In early January I was surprised to recieve a phonecall from Lloyds offering me a place. Obviously I accepted and then it was a mad rush to get the paperwork in intime. Lloyds could not say where I would be carrying the torch but that it wiuld be on 19 June in my community. Community being anywhere within 2 hours travel. 19 June is when the torch travels from Hull to York.
Due to the confusion in December, I have been apprehensive that it again was all a mistake and I didnt really have a place but then on Friday 16 March I recieved an email from the Olympic Relay team telling me they were delighted to confirm my place on the relay. They had tried to get me a place within 1 hours travel of my home addres and therefore my place in the relay will be on 19 June in Ripon. Yeah!!
So if you live nearby. Booke the day off work and come along.

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