Monday 12 December 2011

The return of Janathon

Its that time of year again, Janathob. I had thought I would not enter it this time as Outlaw Training plan says 1 total rest day per week but I am a week late starting the plan due to a nasty bug that Ive had for nearly 2 weeks now. I have only covered 15 miles this week, no cycling at all not a great start but I have needed the rest. Janathon will help me get my training on track.


  1. Sending killer vibes to those nasty germs! Get well soon! :-)

  2. If it makes you feel any better I've not run since Nov 1st because of knee trouble, been on bike once, Tue, as just got bike and can't swim because of face infection for which Dermatologist appointment is Jan 30th!! You'll be fine and see you at outlaw!

  3. Thanks Sue.
    Hope you feel better and get back training soon Sid.
