Tuesday 1 June 2010

Melmerby 10k

This was the 2nd 10k in the black Sheep Series. The day was warm and windy. The previous day I had felt unwell, lightheaded, headache and nauseous, I still didn't feel 100%, still thats no reason to not run.
The first mile was going ok, then the sun came out and I started to feel lightheaded again, I slowed a bit as not finishing was not an option. The race felt hard, but its only a week since the marathon.
TIME 58:32 almost 2 min faster than last year.


  1. Just found your blog - congratulations on your marathon! You beat me by a few minutes!

    Good for you doing a 10k so soon - I'm not back to normal yet and haven't been running much since the marathon. Well done!

  2. Thanks Liz, I think that the marathon has slowed me down so that my other runs have not been as good as expected.
