Sunday, 6 March 2016

Troller's Trot Marathon, social run

Saturday 5 March 2016
Troller's Trot Was a 25 mile run from Threshfield School, 
but was not to be run this year.
David Jelley a Ripon Runner, decided to run it anyway. He devised a route from the neighbouring village of Hebdon and it became a full marathon.
We had snow overnight so there was plenty on the hills

There were about 14 of us running today, we met in Hebdon, where a lovely couple allowed us to use their loo as there is no public loo to use.

The other runners are all faster than me, so I had to run hard from the start. We headed out of the village towards the River Wharfe. We got to the riverside by the suspension foot bridge.
We ran along the riverside, this was the end of the original route. We ran past a double Archemedes Screw, fascinating.
Out to the road to Threshfield. The view over the bridge was beautiful.
Dave stopped for a pic too. From there we ran to the school that used to be the beginning and end of the Troller's Trot, a brief regroup and we were on the original route. The pace was fast but I hung on, there was a climb in about a mile, I'd catch up then. This was race pace for me, but as remembered soon we headed off road and up the moor.
I soon caught up with the group and I can walk as quick as them, so we worked our way through the mud and bogs together.
Martin and Sally as fell runners would have been right at home in this territory
I may not be able to run as fast but I walk the same pace as the rest. Looking around the views were stunning of snow on distant hills.
The ground was wet and soft making it difficult going at times
After a trek up and a stream crossing, we were off and running again, no time for pics, the going underfoot was soft/good mainly and then a good track into Hetton village (8.7 mile so) for a quick refreshment break before a road section.
Under the rail bridge, past the pond on Raikes Lane, turn left, cross the road and approach the Church. On the original race there is a checkpoint here with squash and sweets. Not today though.
Looking over to our next peak, the clouds were low over the snow covered moors.
Up up up we climbed, the higher we got the slushier it got, miles 10 to 13 were the big climb and snow covered moor.
Couldn't resist a couple of pics, the skies were getting heavier as we trotted along. I took a pic of Nicole, she took one of me. That was enough for us to fall behind the group. Oops! 
We set off trying to catch up, I struggled with the slush and the faster I tried to be, the slower I actually was. I could see the group ahead waiting and getting cold, and I felt guilty making them wait. As we got nearer they set off and Dave waited back for us. We put our jackets on as the skies were so threatening, as Dave set off, and then we followed on. The track passed a finger post where we needed to take the right hand track.
We ran down to the reservoir and crossed the dam. After that the track split, Nicole had spotted people to the right , but I directed us down the lower track, miles 14- 16 were down a track to the B6160 
Glad we took time to put our jackets on, the snow came down stinging our faces, Nicole said it was like being exfoliated. It was hard work. It was a relief when it eased enough to take our hoods down and the swish swish noise had stopped. Nicole had a little pile of snow on her head.
16-17 was past Barden Tower over a bridge, where the icecream van parks on the Dales Way.
In the car park, Sheena and her friend Michael were waiting with refreshments.sweets, crisps, cola squash and amazing chia flapjack. The group who had set off an hour after us caught up with us here.
I don't like to stop, and I had stiffened a bit, the last 17 miles had been more or less race pace for me. Soon most of the Dave said I could go back by the river and cut about 40 mins off. But I told him I would rather continue, I knew the way and had his route in my Garmin Etrex 35t as back up.
He passed that on to the group, but Nicole and Heather wanted to stay back with me.
This house has nice Windows, I always think as I pass it.
A bit of lane, some muddy fields and some downhill Tarmac later, there were Sheena and Michael again, the others were not far ahead.
Back to mud for the final climb, one of my favourites.
It's about 20 miles in and the track winds up a steep track
With stiles to give a chance to admire the view and mud to wade through.
Past old mine workings 
It then brings you onto a Tarmac road, I could still see the others in the distance. Sheena was at the top of the hill, then down farm tracks through puddles and down a green lane that was more like brown with the mud. I found this tough and fell behind again, Soon I caught up with Geoff and Dave had waited back again, but we were nearly back. 
The River Wharfe again, we ran alongside and through the carpark an Burnsall, turning down the side of the pub at 24 miles
The river path is beautiful, I was taking it all in. The cliffs were interesting with the layers of rock on a diagonal.
And there it was, the bit I had dreaded all day. The suspension bridge. I don't like them, I don't like the movement. By now there was just Geoff and I, I explained my wimpishness. As we approached the bridge a couple got to it first at the other end so we waited. They took it in turns to cross, I was conscious of time and thought right just do it, I set off at a jog, it was ok the first few steps then it started to move, I slowed the bridge didn't, I had to stop and gather myself, holding Geoff up. Sorry, but I got across. From here we were to get back to the cars a different way to that that we had left the village by.
I got out my Etrex and zoomed in, found where we were and followed it all the way back to the cars, it was brilliant. Did have to take a few more pics though

After changing shoes and putting warm clothes on, we headed to the pub, where Dave had organised sandwiches and chips, which were amazing.

On the way home we saw a beautiful bright rainbow.
So that is the Troller's Trot Marathon Ripon Runner style
It was a great day out. Tough on tired legs with the fatigue of Hardmoors 55 training and carrying all my HM55 kit, as well as running with people way faster than me, but great training, 
So thanks go to Dave for organising and developing the route, Claire for giving me a lift, Nicole and Heather for refusing to leave me to go it alone, Geoff for his company over the last few miles,  Martin, Sally, Paul, Lisa, Nick, Claire, Tim, Ray, Bridgit and Gary for your company and patience.

Mountain Hardware
Salomon soft flask 500 ml x2
Brooks Cascadia
2xu compression
Gamin Etrex35t
Garmin 910xt
Tailwind, Sorreen, 1 X high 5 gel

Marathon total
30 official + 12 training
Runstreak day 430


  1. We wondered who the crowd of people were outside our house when we arrived back in Hebden on Saturday morning. Sounds like you'd a good run. But I missed you again!
    After a quick coffee we set off running in the opposite direction, up onto Grassington Moor, and got snowed on...
