Saturday, 7 November 2015

Hardmoors Goathland Marathon

I entered this race back in August, it was full and I was put on a waiting list. Last week, I got an email offering me a place. Needless to say I took it. I ran this race in 2013 on a cold bright day and got some cracking photographs to remind me of the georgeous views.
This week it has been foggy, I've dreaded it being foggy in case I got lost, it has also rained a fair big over the last couple of days. Today it was rainy when I set off to Goathland. En route I had a massive fear to face, I had to drive up Sutton Bank. That probably sounds like a normal thing to do for most of you, but I have a rediculously fear of hills in vehicles. But sometime necessity is the best way of tackling a fear. I wanted to race, I needed to get there so no choice really. I got up the hill in pouring rain and summit end into thick fog, blooming great driving conditions, dark, raining, fog and the roads were doing a great impression of rivers, but I'd done it I'd got up Sutton Bank. First victory of the day.
When I arrived in Goathland (the village where TV series Heartbeat was filmed) the fog had drawn back but the rain persisted.
For the first time I ran a whole race in my waterproof jacket. The race started outside the village hall with a road descent to start with, but not for long soon we turned left towards Mallen Spout, a waterfall which today was amazing. The trail by the river were steal steps, mud, leaves roots and wet rocks. A steep muddy trail of grass and muddy steps led us out of the river valley and onto the road. We crossed the road and ran along it a few yards before heading up the first of many muddy wet trails, still the rain persisted but as we got higher up the wind got stronger. The rest of the race was mainly over moors where the paths were now streams.
Along the way, which was marked with yellow tape, there were several checkpoints and marshals, all waterproofed up and smiling offering words of encouragement and plying us with goodies like Jaffa cakes, brownies jelly sweets, water and Cola. One had a box of chocolates and another some maltesers. There was almost enough to get round on, I supplemented these goodies with 2 gels and some Trailwind energy drink. Approaching the Hole of Horcum, where last year I took a lovely pic, suddenly today the mist came down, the rain started and turned into hail and sleet, fortunately the wind was behind me at the time. At the next checkpoint there was a stunning rainbow. From then the skies brightened for the rest of the run. From 15 miles I ran with Fiona, we were similar paced so ran along together. chatting and laughing as we slipped and slid through the mud, at one point Zi sank to my knees nearly Fylingdales in a muddy hole, but I cleaned up Shen I crossed the beck where the water was up my thighs, Fiona watched and went in in a different place and went in under her knees. But at least I was clean now with little more than 5 miles to go, but I wasn't clean long. The mud in the last 3 makes was the worst, it was stickier, and slippier than the rest of the route.
Yey we were done, 27.8 miles in 6:21. 15 min slower than 2013, but way tougher in my opinion.
Medal, t shirt and Chia Charge bar. 

Fiona got me a coffee,it was amazing. There was also an amazing spread of savoury and sweet snacks.
I got cleaned up and put dry clothes on for the drive home. It was getting dark already. I had quite a while to bolster myself for the most dreaded part of the day, the descent of Sutton Bank, as I approached the rain started again, but I took a deep breath an breathed a huge sigh of relief when I arrived in Sutton Under Whitestone Cliffe, Phew! It was done. I'd got  to do a great event with only a couple of falls and faced one of my greatest fears.
After I arrived home and had one of Billy's fab homemade pizzas I went on the bike on the turbo for Turbovember4 a challenge to do at least  30 min turbo session every day in November. I set the resistance low and just span my legs out, which eased them from stiffening up whilst driving home.

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