Of course not, I walked the dog a mile and a half before 7 am and realising the severity of the wind, chose to drive to work rather than cycle.
So, change of plan. The wind was even worse by the time I finished work and bits of tree were scattered on the roads. Cycling was definitely not happening tonight. But Ironman UK is only 48 days away and the weather won't stop it, so my plan was changed to running to the pool, swim and run back.
I ran a longer route to the pool to make up for not cycling (sort of) the wind was howling and the road strewn with leaves and small branches, there were times when I was running but not moving forwards and times when it felt as if a giant hand was shoving me in the back. I got to the pool soaked to the skin. It was odd taking wet clothes off to put dry ones on to go in the pool, I picked a quiet lane and just swam, most of the other swimmers let me pass as I caught them up, I was to fast for this lane really but not fast enough for the other one, which already had 8 swimmers in it. I swam 72 lengths but my Garmin only registered 71 oddly. Putting soggy cold running kit on was very unpleasant and the weather seemed to have deteriorated further for my run home, which I went the direct route, wet swim kit is surprisingly heavy in a back pack.
It's still windy, hope it calms down soon.
Day 1 totals
Walk 1.5 miles
Cycle 0 miles
Run 4.4 miles
Swim 1.1 miles
Runstreak which started on day one Janathon 2015 #152
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