So here it is at last Wednesday, training programme for Outlaw states that Wednesday is rest day. hmm! Small problem, the only day that I can run running club at school is Wednesday. And there is the small matter of Janathon and Jantastic and Poppyfields January Challenge and 2013 miles in 2013.
Only three takers for school club tonight, but that doesn't mean less of a run. We went for a 2.5 mile cross country run, bright sunshine and frosty grass, it was lovely after a day stuck indoors.
Running club eats into my admin time. I would normally stay late but my sports massage was calling, I got as much done as possible and set of down town for my sports massage. I had to speed walk to make it in time, so I'm claiming that too, just a mile, but It counts.
Ouch! Tight calfs and sore shins made for an uncomfortable time, but I already feel the benefit.
Libby is great, I could not achieve what I have achieved without her help, I reckon there'll be a fair few visits this year.
Then it was home, tea and Drama group where I volunteer, hence the late blog. Another busy day, soon to bed . Night all.
Run 2.5 miles
Walk 1 mile
total 3.5 miles
And that's your idea of a rest day?!?! Good to hear that the massage has worked some magic.