Sunday, 5 June 2011

JoggedLogged and now Blogged 5/30

Today is ine of those days when I question my own sanity. Shattered from the recent racing and training, my body was screaming for rest as I put on running gear and trainers, put the lead on the dog and geaded out the door. I walked a while to warm up and let Jed do what he had to. Even as I set off I knew it was gonna be tough.But I persevered until I had slowly jogged 2 miles and was relieved to be able to stop and walk again. Glad its over today. Not enjoyable at all.


  1. Well done for getting it out of the way early! It looks like I'm in for a soaking if I leave it too much longer xx

  2. Well done. I SO do not want to do ANYTHING today. Not sure what I will do, but probably walk.

  3. That's what makes you a serious athlete Lena, my sanity has improved as a result of all this training!

  4. Well done Lena we all have those runs!
