Tuesday, 11 May 2010

A new year and a marathon to train for

We had an unusual amount of snow this winter, I spent New Years Eve in Whitby, which was stunning in the snow, and didn't run at all from the Jolly Holly on the 28th Dec until Jan 4. My running Buddy and I had a training plan which we had got off the internet and we tried to follow it religiously, except the races that we had booked. No way were we doing less races because there was a marathon to train for.
January 24 2010, was the Brass Monkey half marathon at York. This was one that I was really looking forwards to, you had to be quick to get a place in this race and I don't mean race times, though the time limit for the race is 3 hours, I mean that from the entries being released you have about 2 days to get your entry to the race secretary. The race is so popular because it is fairly flat and straight , and all on road , making it a promising pb course. It was a typical January morning cold and bright and not too windy, ideal for a good time.I set off in my usual fashion, run as fast as you can, as far as you can and then just keep going. At the 1/2 way point they had a clock, I don't normally look at my watch when I race, in case I get dispirited, so i was pleased to note that, at 58 mins, I was on target for under 2 hours. But disaster struck at about 8 miles, we were turning a left hand corner and a car was passing us, so i moved slightly more left, there was a drain cover and pothole, I hit it badly and pain shot up my left leg. I swore loudly, tested the leg, it was painful but it would bear my weight, obviously not broken then. The race marshall stationed on the corner asked if i was ok, I said yes, apologized for swearing, and with a bit of a hop and a skip I carried on. It was agony I counted down the miles and promised myself a little walk if I made it to the bridge over the railway at 12 miles. I just kept telling myself that it would all be over soon, I've never dropped out of a race, and theres a Marathon to train for, but the pain in my left foot and ankle was the most dominant of all. I made it to the brige and, as promised, I walked up it, then realising that to run down would be even more painful, so I walked that too. I soon regretted this because it was hard to lock the pain away and get a running motion going again, but I did, it was nearly over now, i was hobbling and starting to let the pain dominate when the voice of a Ripon Runner broke through my thoughts, "Go on Lena" she was shouting, I was shocked I could beat her if I kept it together for a few more yards, I'd never beaten her before. It spurred me on as the racecourse and the finish came into view, i dreaded hearing her footsteps so close to the end. I made it, I beat her in, collected my momento, a sweatshirt, and headed for the St Johns Ambulance station to ice my foot. I hardly dare take of my trainer in case my foot swelled up, It looked ok, no swelling no bruising, just pain. I kept it iced till I, got home. I got out of the car and could hardly walk up the hill to my house, now i was worried, I had just run a pb half marathon and 5 miles was on an injured foot.
I had a marathon to train for. I hope I hadn't done permanent damage.
Time 2 hours 2 minutes 38 sec
I rested my foot I couldn't run, I could barely walk, I went on the xtrainer in the gym but after a week it wasn't improving.
On 30/01/10 it was The Ripon Runners award dinner, and I was ecstatic to be awarded Ripon Runners most improved female 2009, I got a massive cup, shame it'll have to go back next year, it looks great on my mantle piece.
My foot was not improving so I went for total rest, one bit of my brain was screaming that i should be marathon training whilst the other bit was saying that i still had 4 months to do that.
The rest did it good and eventually i tried running on it, it was a bit tender but i was soon back up to 10 miles again. All my speed had gone, my running partner had improved greatly over the last couple of weeks, it was all very dispiriting. I would not let it beat me.
Towards the end of Feb, one snowy Sunday morning we set off for a 12 miler, at around 6 miles I was trailing and at the top of a hill my friends waited for me. "Are you ok?" they asked "Of Course". I answered. I set off down the other side of the hill and felt the most horrendous pain in my left calf. I pulled up short and rubbed snow into it. My friends asked if i wanted to tun back, I said I was ok and trailed behind the rest of the run, I had to walk the ups but was ok on downs.
I could have cried, I know it was my own fault, my foot wasn't 100% so my gait was off and it was cold so cramp was my own fault. The next weeks training was tough and painful, my husband said to stop but I wouldn't.
Sunday 28th February was the Snake lane 10 miler I was still suffering with my left leg, but i wasn't backing out, the plan was to keep my running buddy in sight, then I'd get a decent time. The first 3 miles were hard, my leg was bothering me so I had a little walk, and when I got going again it was less painful so the rest of the race was ok, i kept my Buddy in sight, and she knew I was there, so it pushed her on, which in turn pulled me on. So I was quite happy with the result.
Time 1 hour 36 minutes 14 seconds

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