Sunday 19 May 2024

Ripon Rowel’s bike ride 11/05/2024



I have ridden the Ripon Rowel’s Bike Ride a few times now. It is a great charity fundraiser. It is a 60 mile loop which is relatively flat, so that suits me. Starting at Bishop Monkton, taking in Roecliffe, Boroughbridge, Helperby, Easingwold, Sheriff Hutton, Aldwark Bridge, Maratón Come Grafton, Arkendale, Ferrensby and Copgrove, this is a great ride. It’s not a race and there are all abilities and types of bike.

I Parked in ripon and rode the 3 miles to Bishop Monkton for 07:30 to register. I have not ridden much this year, so this was an ideal training ride for The Lakesman Middle Distance Triathlon in Keswick in a few weeks. I did not go off in the first group but went in the 2nd one. My aim was to get to 30 miles, Sheriff Hutton, the half way point in under 2 hours, have breakfast and get back within another 2 hours.

The ride went well. The weather was calm and warming up. Some roads were in shocking condition but I was getting a decent pace. Not bad when the Pennine Barrier Ultra was only last week. I made it to Sheriff Hutton in under 2 hours.

I took advantage of the facilities. Refilled my drinks bottle and enjoyed a sandwich and chocolate bar.I put my crisps in my pocket for later and set off to Bishop Monkton.

Again I was getting a good pace and tried to get back within 4 hours of starting. I got back in an hour and 2 minutes. I was happy with that.

I enjoyed my crisps, cake and coffee, resting and chatting a while before cycling back to Ripon. 67 miles covered for the day.

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