Sunday 24 February 2013

Bonjour le France

This weeks run total of 39.85 miles brings me up to a total of 345 for 2013 so far,still ahead of target, but not by much, in respect of traveling from Ripon to Moscow that now puts me on the A16 in France heading for Dunkirk, after emerging from the Chunnel in Calais. Dunkirk is a port in the north of France which faces onto the North Sea, it was probably founded in around 6AD.
Dunkirk is an industrial port with industries including; steel, oil, shipbuilding and food manufacturing. It has been ruled by many different counties over the years including; Austria, France, England and Spain. It was bought back permanently in 1662 by Louis XIV from Charles II, but Dunkirk is best known for the WW2 evacuation of 300,000 allied troops, on 26 June 1940.
Other totals for this week are;
Walking. 13.64 miles
Cycling. 73.41 miles
Swimming 0.57 miles

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