Monday 8 November 2010

Have I got it right.

I really have not prepared for the Newcastle Town Moor Marathon, in the way that I prepared for my first marathon, The Edinburgh Marathon in May earlier this year when I lived and breathed marathon training. This time I fear that I have been a trifle overconfident.
I figured that as I have completed one marathon six months ago and I have completed a lot of races since, (most of them long) that it would be ok. Then panic set in, I looked at my running diary and noted that the weeks running up to the Edinburgh Marathon, I was averaging 48 miles a week. In the last few weeks I have averaged 24. So last week I managed 47 miles including a long run of over 21 miles.
My 21 mile run was yesterday it was tough but went better than I had anticipated. Oh boy I was stiff and sore all afternoon, but today, I have no aches and pains.
So I guess I am more ready than I thought.
Now I can taper.

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