Sunday, 14 April 2024

 Recce of Yorkshire Three Peaks in preparation for GB Ultra’s Pennine Ultra on Star Wars Day (May the 4th)

A few weeks a go, Ann Helen and I recced the section Malham to Fountains Fell. From there we could see Pen-y gent but ran out of time, so ran back to Malham. 

Today’s 25 miles was an eye opener for the conditions and just how tough the 3 peaks section of the race will be.

We ran the Wensleydale Wander 12 mile option yesterday, so neither of us had fresh legs.

We started at Ribblehead and Whernside as it made sense to start at our closest point. The weather was not too bad for most of the day, cloudy, breezy with a few short showers. As we got up Pen-y-gent the winds picked up and it became very chilly. We were glad to be heading home. 

We took our time today, exploring and chatting to people, so hope fully we can be a little quicker on the day. Hope you enjoyed the photos.