and Andy as a Ripon Runner's social run. It was a mixed ability run and 23 of us turned up on a dreary morning in Helmsley, at least it wasn't foggy as it had been coming over the top of Sutton Bank, it was just mizzerly. I arrived just in time, paid to park and ran to meet the others. I realised Id left my phone on the car seat in my haste, so ran back to get it missing the group photo, but thankfully not delaying the run.
We set off along the Cleveland Way, but we're not on it long before a split in the tracks and a regroup.
We now left the Cleveland Way and stayed on the main track until we were directed left, left and left again, this time we went straight up to a road and crossed it. Around a field to another road.
We headed along the lane towards Reivaux Abbey, and turned down through the woods.
After regrouping at the bottom of the steep muddy track, we crossed the road, away from the Abbey. A little further up the track we had a lovely clear view of it along the valley.
So we stopped a while to admire it.
More mud and woods and a couple of inclines later, we emerged onto a road, we ran along the road a short while.
We stopped again by a cottage, and met Paul, Matt and Doug out recce ing the Hardmoors 110/55 route, so we chatted a while.
A slight incline lead us back onto the Cleveland Way
Through a wood and dejavu, hmm! Had we been here before?
We left the Cleveland Way again and headed towards Duncombe Park on a concrete track.
We ran around the outside of the park, through fresh cut logs, towards a river. Where it seems Simon likes to rest a while.
We ran to the left of the river
Steps and mud, mud and grassed, the miles passed by as the Abbey/Castle at Helmley came into view.