Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Good Luck Juneathoners

Today is the last day before Juneathon. Im hoping it will boost my mileage for the year. The last 2 months my mileage has been down because of the marathons. I did well in January at Janathon to get into the prizes much to my surprise. This month my training will be mainly cycling and swimming in preparation for the Great North swim on the 18 June and My first ever triathlon on 9 July. Here we go again, Good luck fellow Juneathoners

Untitled by lena1966 at Garmin Connect - Details

Untitled by lena1966 at Garmin Connect - Details

Saturday, 28 May 2011

lake swim

After two marathons in 5 weeks my next 2 challenges are rapidly aproaching. The Great North Swim is 3 weeks today and ny First ever Triathlon is now only 6 weeks away. Both are nervewracking. Swimming a mile. Swimming in open water and swmming in a race. Alot of training is to be done over the next few weeks. Today I did an open water swim if about a km. It was very cold. It was quiet and it ws still tounmgh. I dread swimming with loads of folk.